January 6, 2010 meeting
The meeting started with our plentiful hamburger/hotdog/chips and drinks Bar-B-Q at 6:00. It is still only $3!!!
Meeting called to order at 7:09 PM by President Ben Hallert with V.P. Bill Dewey and Sec./Tres. Randy Stout also present. The 24 members and guests in attendance then introduced themselves. Guests and returning members in attendance included; Sid Voorhees, Tom Preuss, Bruce Lamont, Tony Horvath (and his wife Megan) and Larry Wickheiser and his wife. Welcome to all!
The next breakfast will be held on Saturday, 16th of January. Continued raking crew activity (bring a rake!!) to help spread a load of loam that Daniel Cathy has provided. This should take seed and make a better taxiway this next spring when the grass grows up. After this breakfast we will meet at Tony Horvaths hangar at the north end of Creswell for a shop tour.
Randy Stout mentioned that local weather (at least local in the Jasper area) is provided online at: Http://www.wunderground.com/weatherstation/WXDailyHistory.asp?ID=KORSPRIN8
This is a great site- check it out!
The Christmas dinner was then discussed, but without past President and dinner coordinator Dave Petersen being in attendance, we will wait until next meeting for a report and list of ways to make it even more fun this year.
The new video projector purchase was discussed, with no further action to report at this meeting. Ben has been working on his www.starwarsuncut.com video clips. This should be a hoot when done. Check it out! (ed: #1 and #2)
Dave Heisley, our water master and clubhouse manager has announced the annual cut off of water will occur just after the meeting, to be turned on before the next meeting. He also asked and was granted a rent reduction for the South Lane Modelers group, from $250 to $125 due to his efforts that offset some of this rental money. Thanks Dave!
Bill Dewey had suggested that we install a low voltage lighting system on the new covered deck area, in order to see better without needing another building permit. No further research has been accomplished to date on this project.
Speaking of Bill Dewey, we had our nomination for Volunteer of the Year award and his name was the unanimous choice. Congratulations Bill!!
The Challenger II belonging to George Oswald was the next topic of conversation. It was sold last week and so the clubhouse is now available for the next project. Several ideas were bounced around, but no one idea has risen to the top yet. Everyone keep looking around!
Daniel Cathy rose to mention that the Columbia River Chapter of the Short Wing Piper club will be at Creswell on the 20th of March, which coincides with our EAA breakfast. He also spoke about the upcoming OACAC Oregon Air Tour starting on July 18th to the 23rd, and a as yet to be dated trip to Lake Chelan. He noted that the next OACAC meeting will be held at the Roseburg Airport in Dave Olsons hangar on the 23rd of January.
Last falls shop tour of Dale Young was wonderful, and he has now run the engine on the airframe. You can post news like this to the web site by emailing Ben at ben@hallert.net and requesting a password to post.
There being no new business, the meeting was adjourned at 8:18 PM.
Respectfully submitted,
Randall Stout
Secretary/ Treasurer
July 1st, 2009 meeting
The meeting started with our normally great hamburger/hotdog/ (Special 4th of July edition with potato salad!) Bar-B-Q at 6:00.
Meeting called to order at 7:08 PM by President Ben Hallert. V.P. Bill Dewey and Sec./Tres. Randy Stout were also present. The 16 members and guests in attendance then introduced themselves. One of the guests joined the club, so welcome next month Chris Winslow! We also had as a guest a very nice young man, Alex Munsel, a 16 yr. old student of Dorothy Schick, who made a good impression on everyone.
Tom Cunningham passed around a flyer advertising his brothers Hurricane Ultralight, located in Jano (Antelope Valley) Call Tom for more info at 541-895-2745.
V.P. Bill Dewey gave a report on the construction progress for the new 12×16 cover over the BBQ area on the clubhouse deck. Bill said that he will need to pull a permit (at a cost of $150) and that the cover needs to be engineered (his daughter is going to help on this) to handle a snow load of 25 lbs/sqFt. He also is baffled and pleased that someone has delivered a nice number of acrylic panels for the project. Thanks to whoever has been so generous. Bill will make up a total budget and get it approved before starting on the project next month.
Secretary Randy Stout noted that the clubhouse experienced a power failure earlier in the week when an EPUD fuse blew. We lost the frozen items and some of the cold items in the Fridges, but most were ready to go anyway. Ben will restock with fresh stuff.
Ben reported on his research into the new projection TV system that will use our existing pull down screen. He needs to be comfortable that the lumens put out by a less expensive system will adequately project a good picture for the audience. He will continue with his research for a local supplier in case it needs to be returned if it doesn’t put out enough lumens.
President Ben then spoke about the next breakfast to be held, an event where chapter 31 will be serving breakfast and lunch at the Oregon Aviation Museum at Cottage Grove. A call for volunteers was made, and many people rose to the occasion. This next breakfast/lunch is on the 18th of July. Please bring a large ice chest if you have one. Start of breakfast is 8:00-8:30 until 10:00, and lunch starts at 12:00 until 2:00. Dinner will be provided by others and is a pulled pork dinner for $15
The Challenger II. was the next topic of discussion. Several people wanted to know if the chapter was liable if we built it and sold it. It was decided to have Randy ask EAA national’s legal department. Also, when can it get it LSA designation- now or only after it is airworthy. Most believe that the LSA is really an airworthiness certificate, so obviously it needs to be airworthy for this to happen. As of now, the club has decided that any work that is accomplished will be on non-essential parts of the plane until these liability matters are settled.
Ken Schmidt has purchase the Bruce Curtis donated 6061 sheet aluminum in the clubhouse. He is going to look it over carefully then come up with a fair price.
President Ben and V.P. Bill will be flying 4 Young Eagles next week. Volunteers would be nice to help with the logistics.
V.P. Bill Dewey gave a quick report on the Hood River Museum Tour and noted that they will be having their fly-in on 9/11 to 9/13 of this year. He said that 200 antique and 300 regular aircraft were in attendance last year. He also noted that next weekend (starting on the 8th) will be the Arlington Fly-In for EAA.
There being no new business, the meeting was adjourned at 8:15 and a brief workshop was held to determine what project that the group will be working on with the Challenger II
Respectfully submitted,
Randall Stout
Secretary/ Treasurer
June 3rd, 2009 meeting
The meeting should have started with our normally great hamburger/hotdog/ Chili Bar-B-Q at 6:00. Instead, our illustrious President Ben Hallert (Ben: Actually, it was Bill Dewey who made this happen, great idea!) brought in an Italian delight, with spaghetti, garlic bread etc. Good eats and conversation- as usual!
Meeting called to order at 7:10 PM by President Ben Hallert. V.P. Bill Dewey and Sec./Tres. Randy Stout were also present. The 16 members and guests in attendance then introduced themselves.
V.P. Bill Dewey gave a report on the construction progress for the new 12×16 cover over the BBQ area on the clubhouse deck. Bill said that he will need to pull a permit (at a cost of $150) and that the cover needs to be engineered (his daughter is going to help on this) to handle a snow load of 25 lbs/sqFt. He also is baffled and pleased that someone has delivered a nice number of acrylic panels for the project. Thanks to whoever has been so generous.
Ben reported on his research into the new projection TV system that will use our existing pull down screen. He needs to be comfortable that the lumens put out by a less expensive system will adequately project a good picture for the audience. He will continue with his research until next month.
Charlie Walker, a member of both local chapters, noted that 1457 will be on a field trip to Tim Talens hangar for a look see next Monday at 7:00 PM. He invited chapter 31 to attend. Randy offered to send a map to the hangar to both web sites for distribution.
President Ben then spoke about the last breakfast, where chapter 31 had to honor to serve (gratis) 22 Marine reserves, who were in town to help construct the gazebo at the Creswell ponds. It was a great turn out due to weather and some good advance word. Thanks to all the volunteers who worked so hard during this morning event. The next breakfast is on the 20th of June.
The Challenger II. was the next topic of discussion. Several people wanted to know if the chapter was liable if we built it and sold it. It was decided to ask EAA national’s legal department. Also, when can it get it LSA designation- now or only after it is airworthy. Most believe that the LSA is really an airworthiness certificate, so obviously it needs to be airworthy for this to happen. As of now, the club has decided that any work that is accomplished will be on non-essential parts of the plane until these liability matters are settled.
Ken Schmidt then asked to purchase the Bruce Curtis donated 6061 sheet aluminum in the clubhouse. He is going to look it over carefully then come up with a fair price. Matt Northway purchased the Motor Oil that was donated to the group for $20.
There being no new business, the meeting was adjourned at 7:55 and a brief workshop was held to determine what project that the group will be working on with the Challenger II
Respectfully submitted,
Randall Stout
Secretary/ Treasurer