Apr 15

April 6th Meeting Minutes

Meeting Notes for April 6th, 2011

The meeting started at 6:00 with our normal BBQ hamburgers and hot dogs, with  Melinda’s famous chili! Also salad and chips and some good cookies. Still the best bargain in the area for $3
Meeting called to order at 7:01 PM by Sec./Tres. Randy Stout since President Bill Dewey was on leave. The 13 members and guests in attendance then introduced themselves and gave a brief “What exciting thing happened this last month”.


Among the notices were: Ken Schmidt is already a Tech Counselor, he just needs to add Chapter 31 as his home base. Bill Robinet has purchased a 172 (sight unseen!) and intends to lease it back after some work is done. Bob Severns went to pick it up without much difficulty.

Gary Ludeke spoke about a tragedy averted when he noticed a loose bolt on the Horizontal Stab on a Rans S-6 in which he was instructing the owner.


Charlie Walker was asked to check on the progress of the sign (which says “Don’t drive on the grass”) that John Stahr from Chapter 1457 offered to make. He said he will do so. A nice article on John in the RG was brought up, as it mentioned him and his artistic skills.
The next Chapter 31 breakfast will be held on Saturday, 16th of April. Dave and Melinda (who now have both their names engraved on Volunteer of the Year plaque) will not be in town and so not be able to help, so please show up early and lend a spatula to the breakfast crew. All the food is ready to go.

Past President Dave Petersen brought in (his newer) laptop that seemed to work very well in playing DVD’s. He is asking the club to purchase it for $200, which seems a fair price. When the officers get back together, they will make the final decision on spending funds for this purchase!


The Memorial Area plans are still progressing.  We still hope to have the final site chosen and a rough idea as to what the city of Creswell wants in the way of bridges (or hopefully just a filled in culvert) by the next meeting. President Bill believes that the building permit fee might we waived on this project. He was supposed to meet a few weeks ago with his wife (Dee’s) garden club, who make take on the landscaping part of this project.


Dave Heisley had asked last month if it would be OK to put up an American Flag in the clubhouse at the request of the South Lane Fliers. All were in agreement that this is a fine idea. A brief discussion was held on how our club would like to pay its respects to the flag each month. No final decision was made on this subject.


About Time Aviation had asked for and received permission to use the clubhouse (for our normal honorific) on the 24th of March from 6:00PM to 8:00 PM for a weather seminar. They did so and sent in their funds after the event, so it looks like a great use of our facility.


Dave Petersen was asked to make up a YE calendar and he has chosen September 10th as our YE date this year. The Eugene club has chosen May 21st as a tentative date for their YE flights, which is in conjunction with the “Learn to Fly” events.


That concluded the business portion of the meeting.


Gary Ludeke then got up and gave a nice power point presentation about “the gauge that lies!!” your airspeed indicator. Among his observations and advice, he noted that the gauge does not measure speed, but pressure, which varies with the velocity, density and angle that the air hits it. He also noted that maneuvering speed is the speed at which one can make 1 full deflection of 1 control in 1 axis, one time in smooth air. This is far different than most in the group remembered, and was a good update on this mark on the gauge. He also noted that Red Line air speed was TAS, not indicated. Thanks Gary!
There being no new business, the meeting was adjourned at 8:11 PM .

Respectfully submitted,

Randall Stout
Secretary/ Treasurer