Remembering John Stewart
A message from airport manager Shelley Humble:
There will be a celebration of life for John Stewart on Friday, September 30th at 3:00 pm at the EAA building with a pot luck following. The obituary notice is in the Register Guard this morning. A missing man formation is scheduled for 3:30 pm. please come and celebrate his life. Any questions, please do not hesitate to call me at 541.953.9197.
Thank you

Minutes from 9/7/2011 meeting
Meeting Notes September 7th, 2011
The meeting started at 6:00 with our normal BBQ hamburgers and hot dogs, and sadly without Melinda’s famous chili!
Meeting called to order at 7:05 PM by President Bill Dewey with Sec./Tres. Randy Stout also present. The 13 members and guests in attendance then introduced themselves and gave a brief “What exciting thing happened this last month”. Among the guests were John Parsons, who was invited by Bruce Curtis.
There then began a lively discussion on the proper way to sharpen drill bits for plexiglas and Lexan drilling. Suffice to say, at the next meeting Walt W. and Doug K. will bring in some tools and bits and Dave Eason and Brent Henning will bring in some plexiglas and Lexan and then we shall know for sure This should be entertaining!
President Bill gave a quick Memorial Area plans report. He and Roger Welch are still working on developing the plan for the area and present it to the Creswell City Council. They will report back next month.
A reminder by Dave Petersen about the Sept. 10th YE event. That is this upcoming Saturday, so keep it on your calendar. Dave now has all the pilots and aircraft he needs. Registration (and breakfast) will start at 9:00 with flying from 10:00 to 2:00 (or until everyone gets a ride, whichever comes first) Contact him at if you can help. Also breakfast will be held this Saturday instead of the 3rd Saturday and Bill Dewey will talk to Shelly about mowing for more parking.
Bill Dewey noted that he has 2 upcoming presentations at the next meetings: Precision Airmotive in Marysville and Lightning LSA will be presenting in the near future.
That concluded the business portion of the meeting.
There being no other business, the meeting was adjourned at 8:13 pm
Respectfully submitted,
Randall Stout
Secretary/ Treasurer
September Meeting
Today is Wednesday September 7th So it must be time for our September Meeting ! Dinner at 6, Meeting at 7 and We’ll do a little clean-up to get ready for Saturday’s Young Eagle Event. Hope to See you all at the Chapter Hanger.