Oct 16

Meeting Minutes from 10/2/2013 Meeting

EAA Chapter 31 Meeting, October 2nd, 2013

The meeting started at 6:00 (Happily with Melinda Petersen’s famous chili), BBQ hamburgers and hot dogs, chips, drinks and a wonderful zucchini bread for dessert for only $5 !! Come next month and bring a friend!

Business meeting called to order at 7:00 PM by President Bill Dewey with Sec./Tres. Randy  Stout also present.

The 11 members in attendance (Sadly no guests) then introduced themselves and gave a brief “What
exciting thing happened this last month” Gary Ludeke flew his Firestar at 42deg.F Burrrr!

Next Chapter breakfast is October 19th at the clubhouse. At that time, we will expect several In and out of town members of the OACAC to be here early in anticipation of the 1:00 meeting at the clubhouse. Be sure to make the breakfast and then attend the meeting and join the OACAC if you want to be a part of their fun.

Bill Dewey mentioned that he has been president for a number of years, and would like to step down at the end of the year. The group agreed to open up nominations for the next President, Vice President and Secretary/Treasurer at the next meeting, and vote at the January meeting. At the November meeting, names will be brought forth and presented to the membership. Please be ready to serve if you are called, and offer to serve if you have an interest and have not yet been nominated. Often we find people who have an interest but have not expressed it- so no one knows. Please be that person who can provide leadership and organization for the next few years. E-mail me or Bill Dewey if you wouldn’t mind serving in some capacity starting in 2014.

Bill Dewey opened up the topic of an EAA Christmas party. Most in attendance seemed to feel that a joint party with Chapter 1457 would be the best result, so it was suggested that Bill call the President of that chapter and offer to join the festivities. He will report back the results at the next meeting.

The skydiver compromise that the City of Creswell has reached was the next topic of discussion. Not the right place here to put down all the comments, but it appeared that the club will support whatever the FAA decides will work well at the airport.

There being no other business, the meeting was adjourned at 7:58 pm

Respectfully submitted,

Randall Stout
Secretary/ Treasurer