Apr 03

Minutes of the April 2nd, 2014 meeting

EAA Chapter 31 Meeting, April 2nd, 2014

The meeting started at 7:21 (Without Melinda Petersen’s famous chili).  Several members didn’t get the posting from Gary that there would not be a dinner before the meeting. Rusty was sent out for food and the email system will be de-bugged. Pres. Gary suggested that unless we have a few in the club who are willing to put on the dinner each month, we should approach Bubba’s about catering some dinners at the clubhouse. He will report back on this.

As mentioned, the business meeting was called to order at 7:21 PM by President Gary Ludeke with  V.P. John Kuehl and Sec./Tres. Randy Stout also present.  President Ludeke suggested that since many were still eating, we would not recite the pledge of allegiance to the flag at this meeting only.

There were 19 members guests in attendance.  As there were no introductions from the membership, the few guests in attendance are not named in these minutes.

Next Chapter breakfast is April 19th at the clubhouse. $5 for an all you can eat breakfast of eggs, bacon, sausage, pancakes, biscuits and gravy, OJ, coffee and camaraderie!!  Come and bring your appetite!!

Secretary Stout mentioned that due are due again. $25 made out to EAA Chapter 31 and given to him or sent to 86277 Panorama Rd., Springfield, OR  97478

President Gary then spoke to the club about our participation in Creswell’s July 4th celebrations. He is hoping that we can add our “Airport Days” to the festivities, which should include a float for the parade, a fly-over and several events at the airport to draw people in. There was some discussion on what the club events should be, and Gary also mentioned that the club could become involved with a non-flying community activity, perhaps cleaning up after the farmers market.

Pres. Gary then suggested that an activity closer to home might also be started. He noted that the gate on the road into the clubhouse is in poor condition. Several offers of help with fixing it came in from Rusty and Bill, and Ron Rinaldi offered to make us a new tube gate if the old one is just not fixable. Thanks to all the volunteers. Gary will talk to Shelly first then turn the guys loose on this project.

Secretary Stout offered to get a PayPal account set up for the “Buy a Brick” program and give this info to Ron Rinaldi.

Ron Rinaldi then presented a slide show on his Sopwith Camel.  His father started it from plans given to him by Ron for his birthday many years ago. He then purchased a rotary engine and real machine guns, and got it 80% done before his passing. Ron decided that it would be a great tribute to his father and really bless his mother if he finished it. The slides told a great story of his plane and the eventual loan of it to the Evergreen Museum. Thanks Ron for this very interesting program!!

There being no other business, the meeting was adjourned at 8:51 pm
respectfully submitted,

Randall Stout, Secretary/ Treasurer