EAA31 March 2017 Meeting
The end of our shortest month is already upon us and the 1st Wednesday of the Month is Wednesday March 1st. We’ll start off at 6:00 PM with Lasagna, Salad, French Bread, Drinks & Desserts courtesy of Bridget & Virgil Pratt. Our theme for the meeting will be Hints & Tricks, How to do things and/or how to do things more simply or more easily. Among the demo & videos, will be “Portable Vise” “Never buy another file handle, as long as you both shall live” “Accurate masking tape of ANY width” “Welding up a perfect aircraft motor mount”
If YOU have any hints or tips, this night is an opportunity to share same.
Video of a Korean War Aviator plus this month’s Chapter Video Magazine.
Dinner 6:00 Meeting 7:00 all for only $5.00 bucks.
Bring a guest! See you there.
John Kuehl EAA31
EAA 31 Reminder Breakfast and RV3 Work party
Don’t forget – Tomorrow Feb 18th 9:00 AM Breakfast followed by RV3 work party. If we all pitch in the RV3 will be farther down the road to completion and display in the museum.
John EAA31
BREAKFAST: This Saturday the 18th of Feb 2017. All you can eat Pancakes, Bacon, Sausage, Eggs, Coffee, Milk, OJ, Butter, Syrup all for $5 bucks!
WORK PARTY: We can get the RV3 project done quicker if we pitch in and HELP after Saturday’s breakfast. Bring your elbow grease.
B 17: EAA’s “Aluminum Overcast” will be at the EUG airport MAY 5th, 6th, & 7th (Friday, Saturday, & Sunday). Last time this happened (2013) they did 89 rides, (@ $500) 446 ground tours (@$10) plus $4000 in merchandise sales. Chapter 1457 netted $3000. It was a LOT of fun! The good news is 1457 will be sharing in the net revenue based on percentage of participation for Chapters 31, 1457 and the Lebanon Chapter. We will need 10 (or more) people for each “shift” and we will have 2 shifts per day (6 shifts total). Details on “sign up” will follow.
FLYING CLUB: Some people (myself included) are waiting for the new 3rd class medical rules to go into effect, before jumping on the new flying club bandwagon.
BRING A GUEST. Let them see how much fun we can have.
John Kuehl EAA 31
RV-3 Work Party on Saturday
As Spring approaches we need to get back to work on the RV-3 and get it finished and down to the museum! I was talking with Alan Weider yesterday and we’re thinking that a “Work Party” would be in order on this coming Saturday starting right after the Chapter 31 breakfast. One of the goals will be to temporarily mount the wings so we can fabricate and fit various miscellaneous parts. We also need to get the interior finished, which simply means doing something for an instrument panel and interior cover. If you’ve been working on the RV or would like to help out, please come to the breakfast and then plan on staying until early afternoon.
On a side note, Bill Dewey and Rusty started work on getting the Annual Inspection done on the C-150 that has been offered to the flying club. Once it’s flying again, unless the prospective club takes action to acquire the airplane in a timely manner, Rusty will put it up for sale. Hopefully, a good flying season is just around the corner!
Alan’s Checklist for Survival Gear
Seal Team 6 |
Army |
AF |
Navy |
Doug Ritter |
Pilot |
Carrying Case |
Tin |
Vest |
Vest |
Vest |
Vest |
Pack |
Pack |
$725 |
$596 |
Compass, GI or Button |
T |
X |
X |
KX |
P |
1 |
Signal mirror |
T |
X |
X |
X |
P |
1 |
Finger light |
T |
X |
X |
Flashlight or Headlight |
X |
X |
X |
2 |
Whistle |
X |
X |
P |
2 |
Zenon Strobe |
X |
X |
X |
1 |
Pen Flares |
X |
X |
X |
Orange Flag |
X |
X |
Smoke Greneade |
X |
2 |
Portable UHF Radio |
X |
Glosticks |
X |
2 |
Laser Light |
X |
PLB and/or ELT |
Kit |
Kit |
Adhesive bandage(s) |
T |
X |
K |
K |
K |
9 |
Elastic Gauze or pad |
T |
K |
X |
K |
4 |
One handed tourniquet |
X |
X |
X |
Safety pins |
T |
P |
7 |
Sponge |
K |
X |
Antibiotic ointment |
T |
K |
2 |
Moleskin |
K |
K |
11 |
Towlette / Antiseptic wipe |
K |
K |
6 |
Scalpel Blade |
K |
P |
1 |
Trauma wrap |
K |
2 |
Eye pad |
K |
Eye Ointment |
K |
Latex gloves |
X |
2 |
Ace bandage |
X |
Petrolatum Gauze pad |
1 |
Soap |
K |
Tweezer |
K |
1 |
After Bite Wipe |
K |
1 |
Antihistamine |
K |
2 |
Ibubrofen |
K |
4 |
Alcohol Swab |
K |
Medical tape |
K |
30′ |
QuikClot |
1 |
Splint |
1 |
Medical Guide |
2 |
4oz water packet |
3 |
3 |
1 |
3 |
8 |
Week |
Water Purification Tablets |
T |
K |
K |
X |
50 |
C |
Water Container |
T |
K |
X |
1 |
Rations, 400 Cal |
9 |
Week |
Cup, Stainless Steel 16oz |
1 |
Fishing Kit |
K |
1 |
X |
Charms, Chicklets, Enerjets |
K |
T= tin, K=kit, P=pouch |
Spark-lite, one-handed flint |
X |
K |
P |
1 |
Tinder, Firestarter |
T |
K |
X |
6 |
Flint, Ferocium, Magnesium rod |
T |
X |
X |
Matches, waterproof |
K |
X |
1 |
Stove, folding w/ fuel |
1 |
Candles, Tub |
2 |
Hand Warmers |
4 |
Foot Warmers |
4 |
Survival Blanket, Orange or silver |
T |
X |
X |
X |
1 |
Lip Balm, SPF 30 |
K |
X |
Sunscreen, SPF 30 |
K |
X |
K |
X |
Insect repellant |
K |
K |
X |
Mosquito net |
K |
X |
X |
Boony Hat |
X |
Wool Blanket |
1 per |
Emergency Bag or Bivy |
2 |
All-Weather Blanket/Tarp |
1 |
Ponchos |
2 |
Bandanas, Orange |
2 |
Balaclavas |
2 |
Sunglasses, roll-up |
2 |
Folding Pocket knife |
X |
X |
AF Survival Knife, fixed blade |
X |
1 |
X |
Survival knife, folding blade |
X |
Multi-Plier |
X |
X |
X |
Mini-Gerber |
T |
Paracord |
K |
P |
50′ |
Kevlar cord |
T |
P |
10′ |
Stainless steel wire |
T |
P |
40′ |
Duct tape |
T |
X |
P |
30′ |
Magnifying glass |
T |
P |
1 |
SERE or Survival Manual |
X |
P |
1 |
Sidearm |
X |
X |
Facepaint |
X |
X |
Ink tube & paper |
T |
1 |
P-38 can opener |
T |
Rehydration pills |
T |
Toilet Tissue |
K |
1 |
Saw, cable or chain |
K |
1 |
Thread 10# or fish line |
P |
50′ |
Needle |
P |
1 |
Aluminum Foil |
P |
10sf |
Gloves, work |
X |
Bags, plastic zip-lock qt & gal |
6 |
Tubing, Rubber |
3′ |
Axe or Hatchet, Snowshoes, Sleeping Bag |
X |
T= tin, K=kit, P=pouch |
www.dougritter.com |
http://www.preparedpilot.com/ |
http://www.surviveoutdoorslonger.com |
Meeting Minutes from the 2/1/2017 meeting
EAA Chapter 31 Meeting, February 1st, 2017
The dinner portion of the meeting started at 6:00 PM hosted by Virgil and Bridget Pratt. Bridget made her fabulous Pulled Pork Sandwiches, Coleslaw and home-made brownies and Peanut Butter Bars and a drink for only $5? WOW!! . Don’t miss her next great meal!!
The meeting started with the pledge of allegiance at 6:56 PM. President John Kuehl, VP Bill Johnson and Secretary/ Treasurer Randy Stout were present. The business and entertainment portion of the meeting was then called to order. There were 24 members and no guest in attendance. Welcome to all!!
Next Chapter breakfast is Saturday, February 18th. Come out to the clubhouse in the AM and pay $5 for an “all you can eat” breakfast of eggs, bacon, sausage, pancakes, OJ, coffee and camaraderie!! Starts at 9:00 and runs to about 10:30 or so. Thanks in advance for all the guys who show up and cook the meal!
Jim Arglaso got up and spoke to the group about Angel Flights, an all volunteer not for profit organization that provides flights for sick people and their parents if they are children (of which 40% are). They are based in Santa Monica and have over 1200 active pilots (and presumably an large number of aircraft) He asked to use the clubhouse to host an event this coming spring. The group unanimously endorsed his efforts and he will contact the Secretary to determine availability of the clubhouse on the date he chooses.
The old business was called for and noted that a 23 ft. (or so) HDMI cable was donated for the new TV set. Since we did not have a computer with a HDMI connection at this meeting, we used the old projector which worked fine. The secretary also noted that dues are due again. If you have not paid, please send your $25 check to:

After this, President Kuehl gave out Chapter Service Awards for the members who weren’t in attendance last month. Thanks again to all who volunteered last year!!
The President then gave the floor over to Alan Weider, who made a very thorough and well done presentation on survival kits and their components. He noted that there are different conclusions about survival, of which one school suggests that #1 is Signal, #2 is Medical and #3 is Shelter/Heat. He noted the rules of 3 until you may die: 3 minutes without oxygen, 3 days without water, 3 weeks without food and 3 months without human contact. He made up a few variations on his survival kit, including a very nice converted fly fishing vest. We will be including a list of survival kit items on the web site, so check it out and print it and make it up if you want this level of comfort when flying over remote areas. He showed the group how to use a signal mirror and he also showed the group a LED flashlight with the new CREE type bulb in it, which is quite a bit better than regular LED’s Thanks from all of us Alan for this great presentation!!
There being no other business, President John then ran the Chapter Video from EAA National, which featured WW-I aircraft and Hints for Homebuilders.
There being no other business, the meeting was then adjourned at 8:36 PM
Respectfully submitted,
Randall Stout, Secretary/ Treasurer
Looking to purchase an ultralight.
Ken Gosling – Ashland, OR is looking for an ultralight. If you have one for sale or know anyone that has one for sale, please contact Ken. His Contact information is: 541 482 1319 (cell) goslingken@yahoo.com (email). He requested this by phone.
John Kuehl EAA 31