Apr 14


Pancakes, Bacon, OJ, Eggs, Milk, Butter, Coffee, Sausage, Salt, Pepper, Syrup, (and sometimes blueberries) all for $5.00 bucks.  9:00 AM till around 11:00 AM. We may have problems with our email list.  We’ll discuss that also.  See you tomorrow!

John Kuehl

Apr 13

April 5th, 2017 Meeting Minutes

EAA Chapter 31 Meeting, April 5th, 2017

The dinner portion of the meeting started at 6:00 PM without our hosts Virgil and Bridget Pratt. We muddled by (thanks to our cooks!!) with hot dogs and hamburgers, chips, salad, Cookies and a drink for only $5? Not a bad deal anyway! Hopefully they will return next month with a wonderful menu!

The meeting started with the pledge of allegiance at 7:00 PM. President John Kuehl, (VP Bill Johnson was absent) and Secretary/ Treasurer Randy Stout were present. The business and entertainment portion of the meeting was then called to order. There were 26 members and guests in attendance. Long-time member Tony Gonzales was up from California and renewed his membership. Also, one guest became a new member! He was Jay Thorpe. Welcome him next meeting!!

Next Chapter breakfast is Saturday, April 15th. Come out to the clubhouse in the AM and pay $5 for an “all you can eat” breakfast of eggs, bacon, sausage, pancakes, OJ, coffee and camaraderie!! Starts at 9:00 and runs to about 10:30 or so. Thanks in advance for all the guys who show up and cook the meal!

The old business was called for and noted that the 23 ft. (or so) HDMI cable that was donated for the new flat screen TV set appears to work fine. It was the operators who were defective.

The secretary noted that there are only a few folks who have not paid dues yet this year. Several people paid at the meeting, but if you aren’t sure, please ask the secretary next month. If you have not paid, please send your $25 check to:
EAA Chapter 31 C/O Randy Stout
86277 Panorama Rd
Springfield, OR 97478

Gary then gave an RV-3 report. Alan Weider and his guys have gotten it ready for paint. Gary is hoping to paint it white and hopes that perhaps Van’s will donate the Decals we would need to make it look finished. He is trying to get it done in time to deliver at the annual “Wings and Wheels” event this summer.

Bill Dewey spoke about the continuing formation of a flying club (outside of Chapter 31) with Rusty Bartel’s C-150 as the airplane. He has been fixing it and getting it ready (put in a new push button starter etc.) He said that Gary Ludeke is working on the organizational aspects of the group.

President John spoke about the need for organization on the upcoming YE flying this July 4th. He would like to see twice the number of YE’s flown, and thinks we can do it if we have enough volunteers to allow the pilots to stay in or near their aircraft and just sign the certificates. We will have several more discussion of work flow before the next event.

President John also noted that next month we will have a webinar on the new Pilot Certificate Standards, and how they affect every one of us.

Secretary Stout then introduced the speaker for the night, Dr. Richard Hansen from Emerald Wellness Clinic here in Creswell. Dr. Hansen is an AME and first line defender of pilots with medical issues that are non-disqualifying. He had a nice Power Point presentation on the new Basic Medical requirements and responsibilities. He noted that he has not yet received the check list necessary to give medical exams under the new rules. He went over all the aspects of the Basic Med- Pilots responsibilities, Medical conditions that require special issuance, dates that old medicals are still acceptable. Enough information to fill a book, which I will not do here. He suggests that we all check with AOPA or EAA on the status of the checklist. After (not before) we have the examination and pass it, we still will need to take the online course available from AOPA before we can exercise the rights of the Basic Medical. Show up at the next meeting for further discussion and info on the status of the exams.

There being no other business, President John decided not to show the Chapter Video due to the lateness of the hour and the meeting was then adjourned at 8:28 PM

Respectfully submitted,
Randall Stout, Secretary/ Treasurer

Apr 05


This is Wednesday April 5th.  Dr Richard Hansen, local AME on the new 3rd class medical.  Don’t miss this informative meeting.  Dinner 6:00 PM.  Meeting 7:00 PM. We have a few other odd & ends & announcements plus EAA Chapter Video, time permitting. Bring a guest!   $5:00 (cheap).     President John.