Jul 28

August Chapter 31 Meeting, Wednesday 8/04/2021

We will be having our August meeting Wednesday, August 4th at 7:00 pm at the Chapter 31 clubhouse at the south end of the Creswell airport.

The meeting will be following dinner at 6:00pm. The cost for the meal will be $8.00.

At this time, I don’t have any presentation, so if someone has something they can share, that would be more than welcome.

Thank you, Pat Dodson

Jul 06

Chapter 31 work party change of time, now 6:00pm, Wednesday, July 7th

We will be having a work party at the club house tomorrow, Wednesday July 7th at 6:00pm to clean up the club house after the Young Eagles event. This is also to prepare the space for the Larry Davis memorial scheduled for July 17th.

Shelly Humble will be providing pizza for all.

Please note the time change from the previous posting.

This will also be a great opportunity to go over our Young Eagles event and share what people thought worked well and what we could do better.

Jul 05

Chapter 31 July meeting, Wednesday 7/07/2021

There will be no formal meeting on Wednesday, July 7th.

HOWEVER, we do need have a clean-up party which we will do on Wednesday, July 7th at 7:00pm. This will be to reset the club house after the Young Eagles event. If we can have at least 4 people for this, we could make quick work of it.

This would be a good time to clean up as the Larry Davis memorial service is scheduled for July 17th from 11:00 to 2:00 and will be held at the Chapter 31 club house.

And on another note, thank you all for the Young Eagles help. From my perspective, things went really well. We also know what we can do to smooth the flow of registration and ease the stress of the registrar in the future. We flew just over 40 kids. Thank you all again for making Young Eagles happen.

Pat Dodson

Jul 01

Larry Davis Memorial

A memorial service will be held for EAA Chapter 31 Lifetime Member Larry Davis at the EAA clubhouse on July 17 from 11:00 to 2:00. If you have any pictures or other memorabilia related to Larry that you would like to share, please bring them. A potluck luncheon will be held following the memorial activities. For more information, contact Shelley Humble at 541-895-2913.