Saturday Breakfast
EAA chapter 31 is having our Saturday breakfast tomorrow, August 19th at 9:00am at the chapter club house located at the south end of the Creswell airport.
Breakfast will consist of bacon, sausage, eggs, pancakes, juice and of course COFFEE. Cost is only $8.00, a real bargain.
Meeting Minutes from the 8/2/2023 meeting
Meeting Minutes from the 8/2/2023 meeting.
President Rod Johnson, VP Eric Farry and Secretary/ Treasurer Randy Stout as officers were present when the Meeting started at 7:01 PM at the clubhouse in Creswell. There were 16 Members, and two guests in attendance. Our guests were Jim Torley- a friend of Gary Ludeke’s here from Colorado Springs, and Mike Barco (here for his 2nd meeting). We did gain a new member, Michael McConnel. Welcome to you all!!
President Rod Johnson, and Past Presidents Pat Dodson and Bill Dewey (broken arm an all!) prepared dinner, which consisted of hamburgers, Hot dogs, salads, Chips, Cookies, and a drink- for $8.00. Thanks guys!
President Rod Johnson called the meeting to order. He called for Shelly Humble to take the floor.
Shelly Humble then gave her report on the status of the “fixes” that the contractor is still doing on the airport improvements. They will be closing the airport for a day or two (tentatively scheduled for August 21st and 22nd) for heavy equipment to access the runway. These fixes include changing the PAPI pad, and repair on runway end lights among some other projects. Another closure that will occur either August 28th or the first week of September involves the last striping and glass bead placement for the runway.
Her next report was on the 4 projects that are in the works. 1) North Taxi Lane construction. 2) Wastewater Treatment facility on the North of the airport so that tenants can have water and sewer. 3) Installation of Security Cameras and 4) Completing of the Ham Radio base station. She hopes that the August 14th City Council meeting will approve all of these CORE grants. She mentioned that EPUD will be adding redundancy to the electric grid and Douglas Bass Net will be offering internet service soon. Her request to be able to hold STOL contests this year was tabled until next year. Thanks Shelly!
Remember our monthly breakfast on the 3rd Saturday of the month. We need members to help make the fixings. Walt Weischedel is bringing eggs, but Bill Dewey will be gone, so we need Rod to buy any other supplies needed. The next breakfast will be on August 19th at the clubhouse starting at 9:00. Eggs, Bacon, Pancakes and Juice or Coffee for $8- a bargain!! See you there!
The checkbook balance is now $1883.00.
Bill Dewey then noted that the new sign for the EAA Chapter 31 Memorial Garden has been installed (thanks to Shelly and Joel!)
Gary Ludeke was then asked to take the floor and relate his experience with flight testing a Zenith 701. He told of the many glitches he had to fix and the hours he flew to allow it to go anywhere. It seemed as if any problem he found was passed off by the seller as “Oh yeah, it has done that since new!” Anyway, it is now nearly ready to go. Shean Kelly in Cottage Grove has it now attempting to fix an oil pressure problem.
There being no other business the meeting was adjourned by President Johnson at 8:05PM. It was suggested that everyone help clean up the clubhouse then go up to the Memorial Garden and get a look at the new sign.
While up there, the consensus was to move the bricks with names on them to an area under the flagpole when the 5 new bricks arrive. There was also a discussion of moving the memorial rock and benches out of the area. More coming on that.
Respectfully submitted,
Randall Stout, Secretary/ Treasurer