Meeting Minutes from the 9/4/2019 meeting
The dinner portion of the meeting started at 6:00 PM hosted by John and Ruth Kuehl. There was Lasagna, salad, brownies and ice cream for desert and a drink for only $8. Don’t miss their next great meal!! Thanks President John and Ruth for all the great help and cooking!
The meeting started with the pledge of allegiance at 6:54 PM by President John Kuehl with V.P. Gary Ludeke and Secretary/ Treasurer Randy Stout also present. The business and entertainment portion of the meeting was called then to order. There were 20 members and guests in attendance.
Next Chapter breakfast is Saturday, September 21st. Come out to the clubhouse in the AM and pay $8 for an “all you can eat” breakfast of eggs, bacon, sausage, pancakes, OJ, coffee and camaraderie!! Starts at 9:00 and runs to about 10:30 or so. Our volunteers for this breakfast are (hopefully) the same group as last time Tom, Bill, Rod and John, who will coordinate getting the breakfast ready to serve. Thanks in advance guys!
President John then read an article from EAA National about Drones and airspace. Suggested we all look it up on-line for more info.
V.P. Ludeke then rose to give a quick report about member Rusty Bartel and his RV-12 project. Gary will be finishing up the airplane for him and will fly it first. He needs to go through all the service bulletins and make the necessary changes too. Then Rusty will fly it with him. It is then expected that Rusty will sell the airplane, so if you are interested in a new RV-12, stay tuned.
With no further business, President John then introduced Les Wellington who, along with Gary Ludeke, have finished and are now flying his Wayex. The joke is that they have had 4 first flights, with small pitch issues (Ruddervator bolts were sloppy) and fuel flow problems (gascolator was unporting) needing attention in order to complete the flight. It is now flying well, and Gary is going to be putting it through its paces. Les talked about all the help he got from his wife Lynne on this airplane, and also on the RV-12 they built previously and sold. He liked the cost of the Wayex and its aerobatic properties more than the RV-12.
He paid for his entire kit from Sonex after the founder died, hoping that he would get all his parts quickly and before the company had any financial problems. He did get all his parts, but they were delivered anything but quickly. For example, his crankshaft for the engine was the last engine part to arrive- which made it hard to start assembling the engine! The worst part was the lack of communication from the factory as to when the parts might be delivered.
The meeting was then suspended while the group went out back of the clubhouse and looked closely at the airplane. Very good construction and a nice airplane. As it got darker, the group again met inside the clubhouse.
President John then began the showing of the newest Chapter Video this month, which had some great Nicopress techniques and and Oshkosh report.
There being no other business, the meeting was then adjourned at 8:42 PM
Respectfully submitted,
Randall Stout, Secretary/ Treasurer
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