June 2008 Minutes
June 4th, 2008 Meeting
The meeting started with our great hamburger/hotdog/ Chili Bar-B-Q party at 6:00.
Meeting called to order at 7:03 PM by President Dave Petersen with V.P. Ben Hallert and Sec./Tres. Randy Stout present. 20 members and guests were in attendance and introduced themselves. Welcome to all!!
It was noted that the regular breakfast that Chapter 31 holds monthly will be held on the 14th of June. (Which is the 2nd Saturday, as they all are)
Walt Weischedel mentioned again that his hangar in Creswell is for rent ($150/Mo) Call him if you are interested at 747-4808. VP Ben Hallert also added that he needs to rent a hangar for a couple of weeks in Creswell for some repair work.
Nametags for all who don’t have one are now available. Please see Dave, Randy or Brent at the next meeting if you still haven’t received yours. Several people received their new nametags at the meeting.
Daniel Cathy reminded everyone about the Oregon Air Tour, sponsored by the Oregon Antique and Classic Aircraft Club which will start on July 19th by flying from Cottage Grove to Klamath Falls, then the 21st to Homedale ID and Nampa, the 22nd to Joseph, OR, the 23rd to Hermiston, the 24th to Hood River and the 25th to McMinnville. He also noted that the Oregon Aviation Historical Society will be having a big band dance on July 5th from 7:00PM to 11:00 PM. Sounds like fun for everyone.
Dave Heisley, our very good neighbor and EAA member was quite upset about the garbage from the last breakfast. He had mentioned earlier to Ben Hallert (who was not at the breakfast when the problem occurred) that he needed to have the egg shells and pancake batter separated from the burnable trash. Unfortunately, this is exactly the opposite of what happened, which was very frustrating to Dave. We will take our trash in to the landfill from now on, and thanks to Dave for doing this thankless job for so long. He is also having great difficulty with his hips again, so if you see Dave, give him a good word.
Rusty Bartel mentioned that you can still get alcohol free auto gas at the Jerry Brown Co in Eugene, the Jasper Store in beautiful downtown Jasper and Matthews Market in Cedar Flats. Be careful otherwise if you have an STC for car gas!
September 6th, 2008 has been chosen for the next EAA Chapter 31 Creswell Air Fair. Keep this date on your calendars! Also, Chapter 1457 along with the LCC Aviation Academy is having their 3rd annual Norwest Fly-Fest on August 23rd at the Eugene Airport.
The Rogue Valley Air Fair is slated for June 7th and 8th. Check the calendar when you get a chance.
The entertainment for this meeting consisted of Ben Hallerts very interesting description of his just completed trip to Egypt. I don’t know how one guy can get into so much trouble so quickly, but at least he came back without an AK-47 slug in his rear. Next meeting we will have the DVD on the Boeing 40 restoration and first flight.
There being no other business, the meeting was adjourned at 7:55PM
Respectfully submitted,
Randall Stout
Secretary/ Treasurer
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