Minutes from 5/4/2011 Meeting
Meeting Notes for May 4th, 2011
The meeting started at 6:00 with our normal BBQ hamburgers and hot dogs, with Melinda’s famous chili! (Also salad and chips and some good cookies). Still the best bargain in the area for $3
Meeting called to order at 7:06 PM by President Bill Dewey with Sec./Tres. Randy Stout also present. The 15 members and guests in attendance then introduced themselves and gave a brief “What exciting thing happened this last month”. 2 of these folks signed up as new members. They were Brad Chapman (who had a Thorpe T-18 and lived up at Chehalem Airpart until moving to Drain) and John Wagner. Welcome to both of them!
Rusty Bartel brought in his friend Tanner Adams (back from soldering in Afghanistan) who is interested in flying and airplanes. He drove an M1A1 tank, so should be able to handle a plane. He also asked anyone who wants a good worker to contact him for work opportunities at tanneradams1988@yahoo.com
John Stahr from chapter 1457 was thanked in absence for delivering two of the signs (which says “Don’t drive on the grass”) Dave Heisley will be putting them up.
The next Chapter 31 breakfast will be held on Saturday, 21th of May. I believe that this coincides with the short wing Piper club gathering, so it could be a nice bunch.
Past President Dave Petersen brought in (his newer) laptop that seemed to work very well in playing DVD’s. He was paid $200, which seems a fair price
The Memorial Area plans are still progressing. President Bill is still working his way through the school of architecture to get a student to help with the design.
It was noted that past member Steve Kretsinger’s beautiful Piper J-2 graced the cover of the EAA Vintage Airplane magazine for April. The article inside was very good. Nice to see father Paul with one of our own. Get a copy if you can.
This airplane was worked on extensively by Tim Talen at the Ragwood Refactory. He is also hoping to restore the 1st airplane shot by the Japanese in Pearl Harbor, an Interstate Cadet. Stay tuned to see if this important airplane comes to our area.
Rusty Bartel then offered up his list of available tools to loan. He had misplaced the file with the names and tools on it, but had just recently found it. This list will be posted on the web site when he sends it in.
That concluded the business portion of the meeting.
There being no new business, the meeting was adjourned at 8:14 PM .
Respectfully submitted,
Randall Stout
Secretary/ Treasurer
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