EAA chapter 31 will be having our monthly Saturday breakfast this weekend, April 20th, at 9:00am at the chapter 31 clubhouse at the south end of the Creswell airport. On the menu will be our usual fair of scrambled eggs, bacon, sausage, pancakes, juice and coffee. Cost is $8.00/plate.
President Eric Farry along with Secretary/ Treasurer Randy Stout as officers were present when the Meeting started at 7:01 PM at the clubhouse in Creswell. There were 14 Members and two guests in attendance. One guest was our own airport manager, Shelly Humble and the other was our speaker of the night Ray Beverly!
Bill Dewey and Pat Dodson along with several helpers prepared dinner, which consisted of Lasagna, French Bread, salads, Chips, Cookies, and a drink- for $8.00. It was even done and ready early this month!!Thanks guys!
President Eric Farry called the meeting to order. He asked Shelly Humble to give her report on Creswell Airport:
She reported that the FBI has made an arrest in the stolen avionics case that has plagued several airports (including Creswell). This person hit 15 different states and multiple airports on the east and west coast including Albany.
She also reported that the FAA will complete their Safety Check on the airport after the upgrade work next week. It was a 3-million-dollar project paid for mostly by the Federal Aviation Administration Grants. She hopes to have a ribbon cutting ceremony in May for this and the new wastewater treatment plant.
She has been approached by several people about an aircraft parts swap meet this summer. Details to be worked out before we will be given a schedule for this. She has also been formalizing a written Tie Down policy in order to better accommodate a fire base this coming season (should one be needed). She has 13 grants on her plate with 3 expected to be completed this year and 10 hoped for in 2025.
One of which, the (7-9) camera system, should be installed by the end of the month, with Douglas Fast Net and EPUD working to add redundant power and internet service with a new line that will run parallel to the freeway. Thanks Shelly- you are doing a great job!
Remember our next monthly breakfast will (as always) be on the 3rd Saturday of the month. We need members to help make the fixings. Walt Weischedel is bringing eggs. The next breakfast will be on April 20th, 2024, at the clubhouse starting at 9:00. Eggs, Bacon, Pancakes and Juice or Coffee for $8- a bargain!! See you there!
The checkbook balance at the beginning of the month is $1705.58.
Secretary Stout then noted that Dues are Due from everyone for 2024 ($25). If you are unable to attend a meeting to give him the dues, please mail them to: EAA Chapter 31, 86277 Panorama Rd., Springfield, OR 97478.Our direct overhead is about $60/ month.
President Farry then asked our guest speaker, Ray Beverly, to speak about his experiences flying the B-52, T-38, and Cessna Citation 10 (and not to miss his RV-8!) He gave a VERY nice talk about his experiences flying and re-fueling the B-52 and the differences between it and the T-38 (a bunch!!) and an insight into flying for the rich and famous with NetJets. Thanks Ray- Wow, what a life!!
After Ray’s presentation, the need for funds to help Jakin Messer through his check ride was discussed. He needs about $500 to fund this test. Chapter 1457 President Wally Anderson reached out to me to ask our members if they could help with this need. I received several donations at the meeting and would like to ask if anyone could send some money in ($20 to ??), it would be appreciated. Send it to the same address as the dues (see above) and just note that it is for Jakins’s check ride. Thanks!
The meeting ran a bit long thanks to Ray’s incredible talk, so the March EAA Video magazine was not shown.
Our own Doug Kindred has entered Hospice care and would like visitors on occasion. If you would like to visit him, please give him a call first. He is at (541) 687-0232 1657 Russet Dr. Eugene, OR 97401
There being no other business the meeting was adjourned by President Farry at 8:39PM.
EAA chapter 31 will be having our next meeting tomorrow evening, April 3rd, at 7:00pm in the chapter clubhouse at the south end of the Creswell airport.
We will be having a guest speaker this month in Ray Beverly, a retired Air Force flight instructor. Ray instructed in both the T-38 and the B-52, so this promises to be both informative and entertaining.
We will be serving dinner beginning at 6:00pm which will be Lasagna, salad, bread, etc. Cost is $8.00 per plate. Thank you Bill Dewey.
EAA Chapter 31 is having its next meeting this coming Wednesday, April 3rd, at 7:00pm at the chapter clubhouse at the south end of the Creswell airport.
We will be serving dinner at 6:00pm with a cost of $8.00 per plate.
On another note, long time chapter 31 member Doug Kindred is in the hospital with cancer and will be starting radiation therapy soon (if he hasn’t already).
On a happier note, how about a reminder of the Fly in Pig BBQ competition that is scheduled for Saturday and Sunday, May 18th and 19th at the Myrtle Creek airport. Sounds like fun!
Saturday Breakfast
EAA chapter 31 will be having our breakfast this Saturday, March 16th at 9:00am at the chapter clubhouse at the south end of the Creswell airport. On the menu is scrambled eggs, pancakes, bacon, sausage, juice, coffee and good conversation. Cost is ONLY $8.00.
On another note, there is going to be a BBQ competition at the Myrtle Creek airport called the Fly in Pig on Saturday May 18th and Sunday May 19. This sounds like a really fun event to go to. Details are at https://flyinpig.org/.
President Eric Farry and Vice President Gary Ludeke along with Secretary/ Treasurer Randy Stout as officers were present when the Meeting started at 6:56 PM at the clubhouse in Creswell. There were 15 Members and three guests in attendance. One of our guests was our own airport manager, Shelly Humble. We also had a guest join us, Gary Stevenson. Welcome!!
Bill Dewey with several helpers prepared dinner, which consisted of Lasagna, French Bread, salads, Chips, Cookies, and a drink- for $8.00. It was even done and ready early this month!!Thanks guys!
President Eric Farry called the meeting to order. He asked Shelly Humble to give her report on Creswell Airport.
She spoke about the new parking lot semi adjacent to the clubhouse. Thanks Joel and City crew!
She is working to complete 2 CORE grants and received approval on 2 CORE grants which include EOC Operations Center, two security gates, other gates and runway lights and tree removal on the end of thirty-four. She is also working on an ARPA grant for the new wastewater treatment plant and was hoping to break ground this spring on the new north taxiways. As she mentioned before, there needs to be an FAA Approved Site evaluation (environmental study) done on potential Salmon impacts of these taxiways. She has received approval for the grant for resiliency with two lighted crosses, four barricades, two balloon lights, and an auto keypad for the gates. Water and Sewer for the North Hangars are due to be connected soon.
She also noted that Creswell High School will be having some field trips to the airport toward the end of March or early April. The (7-9) camera system should be installed by the end of the month, with Douglas Fast Net and EPUD working to add redundant power and internet service with a new line that will run parallel to the freeway. If that was not enough, there are plans to remodel the office with new laminate flooring, wall covering and ceiling treatments. Thanks Shelly- you are a dynamo!
Remember our next monthly breakfast will (as always) be on the 3rd Saturday of the month. We need members to help make the fixings. Walt Weischedel is bringing eggs. The next breakfast will be on March 16th, 2024, at the clubhouse starting at 9:00. Eggs, Bacon, Pancakes and Juice or Coffee for $8- a bargain!! See you there!
The checkbook balance at the beginning of the month is $1610.25.
Secretary Stout then noted that Dues are Due from everyone for 2024 ($25). If you are unable to attend a meeting to give him the dues, please mail them to: EAA Chapter 31, 86277 Panorama Rd., Springfield, OR 97478. He also gave a brief report on the status of the clubhouse lease and YE insurance coverage.
President Farry noted that next month we will have Ray Beverly speak about his experiences flying the B-52, T-38, and several other birds of note (Probably his RV-8!) Cannot wait to hear from this very experienced DPE.
Gary Ludeke was then asked to take the floor and discuss the results of the “Build and Fly” RC model build that the club purchased early last year. He showed us pictures of the kids and South Lane crew building on the airplane and expressed his pleasure at its’ progress. He then spoke about the Super Cub project that the club was given and after some discussion it was agreed that no actual work would be done until after the YE Build and Fly airplane was completed. He asked Pat Dodson and Walt Weischedel to survey the project and produce both a list of problems to be overcome and (if desired) a plan on how to begin the project.
Lastly, Gary noted that the club has $715.00 in Young Eagle money from EAA national. He presented a slide show of several possible uses for the money with his recommendation that we purchase a set of restaurant style pagers to alert YE riders when their turn has arrived. He also noted that we need a printer (in order not to have to use Shelly’s this year). After some discussion it was decided that he and Jaken Messer would begin to pursue both these purchases. Thanks, Gary, for all your work!
After this presentation Gary fired up the computer and we were shown the March EAA Video magazine.
There being no other business the meeting was adjourned by President Farry at 8:14PM.
EAA chapter 31 is having our next meeting Wednesday, March 6th, in the chapter clubhouse at the south end of the Creswell airport. The meeting will start at 7:00pm. We will be serving dinner at 6:00pm with a cost of $8.00 per plate.
We have several items on the agenda.
Gary Ludeke will be giving an update on the progress of the Young Eagles Build and Fly Program.
We also need to discuss what we might do with the Young Eagles credit funds. There are many options for our consideration.
We also need to talk about our Super Cub project. We will need to establish some individual(s) who would be willing to oversee the project. This would also include the two engines that are there. This would be a great opportunity to learn some wooden aircraft building skills and help out chapter 31.
EAA chapter 31 will be serving our Saturday breakfast this weekend, February 17th at 9:00am at the chapter clubhouse located at the south end of the Creswell airport. On the menu is scrambled eggs, bacon, sausage, pancakes, juice and coffee. Please come and enjoy good food and conversation. Cost is only $8.00 per plate.