April 1, 2020 meeting CANCELED
Just another reminder in case anyone missed it, the April Chapter 31 meeting is canceled. I hope everyone is doing well. We’ll all have a lot of catching up to do when we are again able to gather together. Stay safe!
April 1, 2020 meeting CANCELED
Just another reminder in case anyone missed it, the April Chapter 31 meeting is canceled. I hope everyone is doing well. We’ll all have a lot of catching up to do when we are again able to gather together. Stay safe!
April Chapter 31 Meeting, Wednesday 4/1/2020,CANCELED
The April 1, 2020 Chapter 31 meeting is CANCELED. We hope everyone is safe and healthy and wish to keep it that way. hopefully we will be able to get back to normal by the time our May meeting is scheduled.
On another note, we will be going forward (at this point) with the “Flying Start” program scheduled for May 16th. We have received materials from EAA to help us promote this event. As the time gets closer, all of us involved will need to get together and discuss what needs to be done and who will be do what. If we need to postpone the event, we’ll need to let the EAA know as soon as possible.
EAA Chapter 31: Saturday Breakfast 3/21/20 CANCELED
Due to the Coronavirus outbreak and government recommendations, we will NOT be doing the Saturday breakfast this month. Hopefully, things will begin to ease soon and we will be able to get back to our normal lives. Like everyone else,we will be monitoring the ongoing situation and keep members updated on chapter 31 activities.
I would like to take this opportunity however, to try and get some feedback and thoughts on the “Flying Start” program in May (or whenever it takes place). We were going to combine it with a Saturday breakfast. My thoughts were to have breakfast from 9-10 am, a power point presentation from 10-11 and then fly with the registered individuals after that. Any other suggestions or ideas?
Meeting Minutes from the 3/4/2020 Meeting
EAA Chapter 31 Meeting, March 4th, 2020*
The dinner portion of the meeting started at 6:00 PM hosted by our wonderful Bill Dewey. There was Chicken Pot Pie and Chicken Alfredo, salad, chips, cookies for desert and a drink for only $8. Don’t miss their next great meal!! Thanks Bill! And for our other helpers for the meal, Pat, Rod and John !
The meeting started with the pledge of allegiance at 7:00 PM by President Pat Dodson with V.P. Rod Johnson and Secretary/ Treasurer Randy Stout also present. The business and entertainment portion of the meeting was called then to order. There were 15 members and guests in attendance.
Checkbook balance was $3458.82 as of the date of the meeting. He noted that dues are now due from all members- Send $25 directly to EAA Chapter 31- 86277 Panorama Rd. Springfield, OR 97478 if you can’t make the next meeting.
Next Chapter breakfast is Saturday, March 21st. Come out to the clubhouse in the AM and pay $8 for an “all you can eat” breakfast of eggs, bacon, sausage, pancakes, OJ, coffee and camaraderie!! Starts at 9:00 and runs to about 10:30 or so. Our volunteers for this breakfast are (hopefully) the same group as last time Tom, Bill, Rod, Pat and John, who will coordinate getting the breakfast ready to serve. Thanks in advance guys!
Pat mentioned that the EAA Flying Start program will be held on May 16th, which happens to coincide with our normal Saturday Breakfast. He asked for a show of hands to volunteer as either a pilot with plane or ground support. We had 4 people offer to fly and 3 people ground support. It was suggested that we limit the event to 20 people in order to spend considerable time with each one. Dorothy Schick has offered to help at the event also.
Jim Orglioso then rose to note that the Angel Flight West event will be held on 7/12 at the Village Green in Cottage Grove. Saginaw Vineyard will have and auction that member Sid Voorhees will head. He passed out a flyer for the event.
President Pat then passed around a nice thank you note to EAA Chapter 31 for the use of the clubhouse for a memorial by the family and friends of Louis Lyons. He also asked for volunteers for the next dinner and Bill Dewey again agreed to keep us fed. Thanks! Pat also still needs volunteers for the program for September, October and November.
The subject of replacing the lights in the clubhouse with LED bulbs then was discussed. Bill Dewey suggested we replace the fixtures also, and this will be looked into. Gary Ludeke will contact a fellow Creswell pilot who is a retired lighting tech and can help us make good decisions on this project.
Gary then proceeded to present the new EAA On-Line Builders Log for your airplane. He gave a nice video presentation of how he is using it now to help with the CH-750 build. It has multiple search functions and is a great way to organize your notes and pictures for the inspectors’ approval prior to getting your sign off. Check it out at EAAbuilderslog.org
He also was able to ferry past member Dick Frontzak’s RV-6 down to Cottage Grove to get the work finished in order to sell it. Thanks Gary!
V.P. Rod Johnson then gave a nice picture presentation on the B-17 “Bomber Gas” that was in the Portland area and is now at the Salem Airport Museum under restoration. Thanks Rod!
Secretary Stout has contacted Ben Hallert and got the Web Site administration changed over to himself. Ben has been a great help for many years, but other obligation have taken him away from the club. Thanks for everything you have done Ben!! As of March 31st, EAA has a new web site available to chapters, which he will be looking into.
There being no other new or old business, Past President John then showed the Monthly Chapter Video.
The meeting was then adjourned at 8:38PM
Respectfully submitted,
Randall Stout, Secretary/ Treasurer
Just a quick reminder, March Chapter 31 meeting is tomorrow night, Wednesday March 4, 2020. Come join us for dinner at 6:00pm and meeting at 7:00. Bill Dewey is cooking up something different for this meeting.
Club Meeting Wednesday March 4.
Just another reminder to attend the Chapter 31 meeting Wednesday March 4, dinner 6:00pm with the meeting to follow at 7:00. In addition to Gary Ludeke’s presentation on the EAA’s Builders Log website, we will be discussing the EAA’s Flying Start program. We will be participating in this program and will be needing volunteers to fly prospective new pilots. This is program similar to Young Eagles but for people 18 years and older. It will include a presentation of what is involved in getting ones license. The target date is Saturday May 16 (National Learn to Fly Day). This is also our Chapter 31 Breakfast day. We need to determine how many pilots are available so we can request the appropriate amount of materials from EAA headquarters. We are using this to not only generate interest for new pilots, but to also interest in Chapter 31.
March Meeting Wednesday 3/4/2020
The next chapter 31 meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, March 4, at the chapter clubhouse, south end of the Creswell airport. Please join us for dinner at 6:00 pm with the meeting at 7:00. The cost is only $8.00 and comes with good company.
Our EAA Technical Councilor Gary Ludeke will be giving a presentation on the use of the recently introduced “EAA Builders Log” website. Gary is using this resource to document the building of a Zenair CH750 STOL aircraft in partnership with Dale Young. If you are currently building or considering building an experimental aircraft, or want to explore what other members around the country are building, you should find this presentation useful.
Also, we have speakers/presentations scheduled through August. We still need to line things up for September, October and November. Please be thinking of ideas that you might find interesting.
Saturday Breakfast, February 15, 2020
Just a reminder. EAA chapter 31 breakfast, 9:00 am tomorrow, February 15 at the chapter clubhouse, south end of Creswell airport. Come enjoy suasage, bacon, eggs, pancakes and COFFEE with good people and conversation. Only $8.00