Meeting Minutes from the 6/5/2024 meeting

Meeting Minutes from the 6/5/2024 meeting.

Vice President Gary Ludeke and Secretary/ Treasurer Randy Stout as officers were present when the Meeting started at 7:01 PM at the clubhouse in Creswell. There were 10 Members, and one guest in attendance. Our own airport manager, Shelly Humble, was the guest.

Bill Dewey and Pat Dodson along with several helpers prepared dinner, which consisted of Hot Dogs, Huge Hamburgers, salads, Chips, Cookies, and a drink- for $8.00. I could only eat one hamburger they were so big. And very well cooked! Thanks Guys!

Vice President Gary Ludeke called the meeting to order. He recognized and congratulated Jaken Messer on passing his Private Pilot check ride, and gave him the cut off tail of the shirt he soloed in. He then asked Shelly Humble to give her report on Creswell Airport (which she did after presenting Jaken with a bottle of sparkling cider to celebrate the occasion):

She reported that Fuel is now available again after a brief shortage. She will be buying most of a truck load after the first as the price is expected to drop at that time. She noted that the fiscal YE budget is now done and should pass city council.

She also reported that the FAA have completed their Safety Check (and edge light certification) on the airport after the upgrade work. It was a 3-million-dollar project paid for mostly by the Federal Aviation Administration Grants. She hopes to have a ribbon cutting ceremony (and runway walk) in Mid-June for this and the new wastewater treatment plant.

The (7-9) camera system and Ham base station should be ordered and installed by the end of next month, with Douglas Fast Net and EPUD working to add redundant power and internet service with a new line that will run parallel to the freeway. Thanks Shelly- you are doing an excellent job!

As far as the upcoming YE flights on July 4th, Shelly will be the coordinator, Mae Messer and Sandy Ludeke will be managing the paperwork, and Gary Ludeke will direct flight operations. She will be sending an email to all pilots and ground handlers who can respond if they plan to participate. There will be a Pizza launch party at the clubhouse on July 3rd at 6:00 to get everyone coordinated (which is handy since that is our normal Meeting night-no regular meeting that night). Insurance for the event has been ordered.

Remember our next monthly breakfast will (as always) be on the 3rd Saturday of the month. We need members to help make the fixings. Walt Weischedel is bringing eggs. The next breakfast will be on June 15th, 2024, at the clubhouse starting at 9:00. Eggs, Bacon, Pancakes and Juice or Coffee for $8- a bargain!! See you there!

The checkbook balance at the beginning of the month is $1347.72.

Secretary Stout then noted that Dues are Due from everyone for 2024 ($25). If you are unable to attend a meeting to give him the dues, please mail them to:  EAA Chapter 31, 86277 Panorama Rd., Springfield, OR 97478.

 Secretary Stout then asked if anyone has any weed killer to shoot around the clubhouse. John Kuehl said he did and will meet with Randy during breakfast to plan the attack.

Vice President Gary Ludeke then asked our newest Private Pilot to show the work he has accomplished on the new EAA Chapter 31 Web site. Although much is left to be done, it was a nice improvement to our 20-year-old web site. I will send him an EAA 31 Logo to add to the site.

Gary then noted that our recent YE Build and Fly model airplane project was finished. The South Lane club now has it and will be showing the High Schoolers who built it how to fly it. Thanks to Gary, Pat Dodson, Rod Johnson, and Dave Cole for all the help they gave these kids in the build process.

Our next project will be the ¾ Super Cub that was donated to the club this last fall. After surveying the project, it was determined that the wings are in good condition, the fuselage in fair condition and that the C-65 should be sold as it would not have the power needed for this airplane. Dave Cole suggests that we cover several of the control surfaces to see if interest develops to tackle the whole project. There is a standing invitation to all interested parties to work on this project every Wednesday at 2:30 at the clubhouse.

The EAA Video magazine was then shown.

There being no other business the meeting was adjourned by VP Ludeke at 8:49PM.

Respectfully submitted,

Randall Stout, Secretary/ Treasurer

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