The dinner portion of the meeting started early at 5:45 PM hosted by John
Kuehl with Pat Dodson and Rod Johnson helping. There were HUGE Hamburgers (c/o
Bill Dewey), Hot Dogs, salad, chips, cookies for desert and a drink for only $8.
Don’t miss their next great meal!! Thanks Bill, Pat Rod and John for the great
help and Rod and Pat for cooking!
The meeting started with the pledge of allegiance at 6:58 PM by President Pat
Dodson with V.P. Rod Johnson and Secretary/ Treasurer Randy Stout also present.
The business and entertainment portion of the meeting was called then to order.
There were10 members and guests in attendance. The special guest of the night
was Shelly Humble, airport manager extraordinaire.
Checkbook balance was $3197.73 as of
the date of the meeting. He noted that dues are now due from all members- Send
$25 directly to EAA Chapter 31- 86277 Panorama Rd. Springfield, OR 97478 if you can’t make the next meeting.
Next Chapter breakfast is Saturday, February 15th. Come out to the clubhouse
in the AM and pay $8 for an “all you can eat” breakfast of eggs, bacon,
sausage, pancakes, OJ, coffee and camaraderie!! Starts at 9:00 and runs to
about 10:30 or so. Our volunteers for this breakfast are (hopefully) the same
group as last time Tom, Bill, Rod, Pat and John, who will coordinate getting
the breakfast ready to serve. Thanks in advance guys!
Shelly then gave a very informative talk about what’s happening at the airport, which is a bunch! The taxiway project is still ongoing (and hoping to finish by March), she has sent in many grant requests and has received confirmation on a few of them. She is hoping to get a grant for 3 generators with tanks and will know by May if this will happen. She noted that Louis Lyons memorial service would be held at the chapter clubhouse this Saturday. (and as a side note, past member Dave Oswalt, Dick Fronzak and Larry Davis’ wife also passed this last month or so) She mentioned that they have hired a new maintenance guy, Joel Newall (Sp?) and that the Eugene Ham Radio club is looking for a home.
She said that 3 people have expressed interest in building hangars on the
last lot available, but they need to get the bids and make a decision on a
septic system (possibly from Orenco in Sutherlin). The city will build a new
set of hangars also on this last area available. They also will be installing a
new $17,000 credit card machine at the gas pumps, with the majority of it paid
for (hopefully) by the fuel supplier.
She also reminded everyone that there is an AED and tourniquet in the office
in case we need to use it. She suggested we just break a window to enter the
building if we have an emergency and the door is locked. She said that we can
have the fire department come down and train us in the use of both. Also, a dog
handler has asked for permission to use the clubhouse for training. John, Pat
and Randy will meet with him before a decision will be made on this request.
After a warm thank you for the talk, President Pat asked for volunteers to bring
forth ideas for upcoming meeting programs. Gary Ludeke said that he will show
the progress on the new Zenith airplane that he is helping assemble in May.
Dave Eason will have his son talk about the Airforce in April. Several other
people have ideas but cannot put them together with a date at this time.
After some consideration, a decision was made to replace the lights in the clubhouse
with LED bulbs. This is a bit more complicated than first thought because we
are replacing HO bulbs and ballasts, which require replacing the end pieces on
the fixture also. More research will be done before we spend money on this, but
the budget is $350 to replace everything.
John Kuehl still would like the club to pay part or all of the costs to send
Pat Dodson to the Leadership training class the EAA national does every year.
Pat will consider this before we proceed.
It was noted that May is Flying Start month. Perhaps we can have our own
Dorothy Schick come and give a talk. We need to advertise this event in order
to get more people involved.
Secretary Stout will contact Ben Hallert and get the Web Site administration
changed over to himself. Ben has been a great help for many years, but other
obligation have taken him away from the club and he shouldn’t be imposed upon
for the future. Thanks for everything you have done Ben!!
There being no other new or old business, Past President John then showed the
Monthly Chapter Video.
The meeting was then adjourned at 8:30PM
Respectfully submitted,
The next chapter meeting is scheduled for Feb. 5 at the chapter club house at the south end of the Creswell airport. The meeting will begin at 7pm. Please join us for dinner at 6pm. The cost is only $8 and great company and conversations. Shelly Humble, the Creswell Airport manager, will be coming by to update us on the latest developments at the airport. We will also have the Chapter Video Magazine (time permitting).
Good speakers – presenters – programs are the life blood of good EAA meetings. We need help each of our EAA31 members to help make this happen.
For our February 2020 EAA 31 meeting we are asking you to please come up with either:
(A) A speaker/presentation from an outside vendor or other
(B) Your own presentation
(C) An idea for a presentation that we can work on.
Please bring your ideas to the February meeting.
Pres Pat
Reminder; EAA chapter 31 Saturday breakfast. Pancakes, scrambled eggs, bacon and sausage, juice and coffee. Come and enjoy some good conversation and food. Saturday, January 18th at 9:00 am, chapter 31 club house at the south end of Hobby Field. Only $8.00 to fill up.
We have a number of items to cover this meeting:
Chapter Service Awards
Projects completed
Volunteer – Food next month
Volunteers – Jan, Feb, Mar, Apl, May, Jun, Aug, Sep, Oct, Nov. Program or speaker for each month.
EAA 31 Web site
Chapter Leadership Training.
Chapter Video Magazine (Time permitting)
EAA31 Monthly meeting; Chapter clubhouse, S. end of Hobby field, Creswell, OR. 6:00 PM Meal (only 8 bucks). Hot Dogs, Hamburgers & fixens. 7:00 PM Meeting.
Come see the show.
Pat Dodson EAA 31 President.