Last reminder, June meeting
EAA chapter 31 meeting tomorrow night, Wednesday June 7th at 7:00 pm.
We will be serving dinner at 6:00pm and the cost is $8.00. The meal will consist of hot dogs, hamburgers, and trimmings and fixings.
On the agenda will be the up coming Young Eagles day and the co-ordination of it. There is a strong possibility that we may be doing the weekend after the 4th of July instead of on the 4th. This will be part of the discussion. We are going to be needing a count of pilots and other volunteers.
June Chapter 31 meeting
Reminder, we will be having our next meeting this next Wednesday, June 7th at 7:00pm.
We will be serving dinner at about 6:00 that will be hamburger, hot dogs and the fixings.
Cost is $8.00.
This will be an important meeting as we will need to be discussing the Young Eagle rides coming up in July. We will need to be deciding on the date and getting all the logistics figured out, pilots, parking help, help for registrations, etc.
An additional note; We may be moving Young Eagles to the weekend after July 4th to not conflict with all the other happenings going on in Creswell.
Saturday Breakfast
We will be having our Saturday breakfast this week, May 20th at 9:00am. Please come and enjoy some good food and, most importantly, good people.
We will be having bacon, sausage, eggs, pancakes, coffee and juice. Cost is only $8.00, a real bargain.
Meeting Minutes from the 5/3/2023 meeting
Meeting Minutes from the 5/3/2023 meeting.
President Rod Johnson, V.P. Eric Farry and Secretary/ Treasurer Randy Stout as officers were present when the Meeting started at 7:04 PM at the clubhouse in Creswell. There were 14 Members, and two guests in attendance. Our guests were Mike Babcock (lakeside@comcast.net) who lives in Lakeside, has a hangar in Cottage Grove and flies a RANS S-21, and Mike McCollum (mccollum.michaelj@gmail.com) , a just soloed pilot and retired from Roseburg Lumber. Welcome to you both!
Bill Dewey, President Rod Johnson, and Past President Pat Dodson prepared dinner, with VP Eric Farry helping with the hamburger patties and Paul Buehler cooking. It consisted of Excellent Hamburgers, Hot dogs, salads, Chips, Cookies, and a drink- for $8.00. Thanks guys!
President Rod Johnson called the meeting to order. He asked for any old business: There being none that was urgent, he invited everyone to adjourn to the back 40 (before the rain hit) to get a good look at Pat Dodson’s just completed (but not yet flying) Hummelbird. This was a wonderful experience to see a (plans, not kit) well-built aircraft. Seemingly small enough to keep in your front room, this airplane looks and sounds like a mini fighter. Pat then gave a quick outline of the path he traveled to get this plane done (In 10 years of challenging work!) Well done Pat!!
Shelly Humble was a no-show for a report, but it was noted that the runway is now open, although the PAPI is not working.
I will be ordering a brick for Rusty Bartels’ memorial and Shelly has confirmed several other names for bricks that we will be ordering. We have over the needed five bricks to place an order, but if you know of a brick you have been thinking about purchasing, now is a great time.
Gary Ludeke rose to give a progress report on the YE model aircraft that the club has obtained. He met with the Creswell RC model flyer group, and they are onboard to help with this project. He will meet later this month to further plans to involve the kids with this build/fly program.
Secretary Stout noted that dues are due for 2023, and several folks came forward with their $25. Thanks! If you cannot make it to a meeting, please send your check to: EAA Chapter 31, 86277 Panorama Rd., Springfield, OR 97478
Remember our monthly breakfast on the 3rd Saturday of the month. We need members to help make the fixings. Walt Weischedel is bringing eggs so Bill Dewey will buy any other supplies needed. The next breakfast will be on May 20th at the clubhouse starting at 9:00. Eggs, Bacon, Pancakes and Juice or Coffee for $8- a bargain!! See you there!
The checkbook balance is now $1445.25.
John Kuehl then projected The Monthly National Chapter Magazine.
There being no other business the meeting was adjourned by President Johnson at 8:10PM
Respectfully submitted,
Randall Stout, Secretary/ Treasurer
May Chapter Meeting
We will be having our next meeting on Wednesday, May 3rd at 7:00pm.
We will be serving dinner at 6:00pm consisting of hotdogs, hamburgers with fixings. Cost is $8.00.
The Hummel Bird is now at the airport and I will be taxiing down for show and tell.
Also, this coming weekend, May 6th, there will be RC swap and shop at the Creswell Community Center at South 1st and C street from 9:00am to 1:30pm. This is being put on by the Creswell RC Flyers.
Saturday breakfast
Just a reminder, we are having our Saturday breakfast this weekend, April 14th at 9:00am.
On the menu will be bacon, sausage, scrambled eggs, pancakes, juice and coffee. Cost is only $8.00 and included free of charge is good company and conversation.
April Saturday breakfast
EAA chapter 31 will be hosting our Saturday breakfast this week, April 15th at 9:00am. On the menu will be bacon, sausage, scrambled eggs, pancakes, coffee and juice. Cost is $8.00 per plate. Please come early and help and visit.
Meeting Minutes from the 4/5/2023 meeting
Meeting Minutes from the 4/5/2023 meeting.
President Rod Johnson, V.P. Eric Farry and Secretary/ Treasurer Randy Stout as officers were present when the Meeting started at 7:10 PM at the clubhouse in Creswell. There were 12 Members, and one guest in attendance. Ulrick Farry (Eric’s son and Caribou pilot) was our guest.
Dinner was prepared by Bill Dewey, President Rod Johnson and Past President Pat Dodson helping. It consisted of Lasagna, French bread, salads, Chips, Cookies, and a drink- for $8.00. Thanks guys!
President Rod Johnson called the meeting to order. He asked for any old business: There being none that was urgent, he invited our wonderful airport manager, Shelly Humble, to give her report.
She spoke about the grants she has received for Ham operations, the gator and security cameras. She said that the airport closure is now firm for 4/10 at 7:00AM. She also noted that the new rules for parking cars in front of hangars will now be in effect. Essentially it means that you can park in front of your hangar while loading or unloading your aircraft, but you must pull the car into the hangar after the aircraft is out in order to leave it there while flying.
She also noted that she has been in contact with the new STEM teacher in Creswell and hopes to have a group of students at the airport to see what we do and the opportunities that they have to participate. She is also renewing her YE credentials with EAA National in order to help with our July 4th YE flying we do annually. Thanks as always!
We have to order a brick for Rusty Bartels’ memorial and Shelly will confirm several other names for bricks that we will be ordering. We need 5 bricks to place an order, so if you know of a brick you have been thinking about purchasing, now is a good time.
Gary Ludeke rose to give a progress report on the YE model aircraft that the club has obtained. He met with the Creswell RC model flyer group, and they are onboard to help with this project. He will meet later this month to further plans to involve the kids with this build/fly program.
President Rod Johnson then discussed his attendance with the EAA Leadership meeting in Independence last month. He suggested that our need for programming is paramount to growth in the chapter, and that we need members to help in this area. We then need to use social media to get the word out. He also wanted to do audits of the financial health of the club and report back on his findings.
Secretary Stout noted that dues are due for 2023, and several folks came forward with their $25. Thanks! If you can’t make it to a meeting, please send your check to: EAA Chapter 31, 86277 Panorama Rd., Springfield, OR 97478
Remember our monthly breakfast on the 3rd Saturday of the month. We need members to help make the fixings. Walt Weischedel is bringing eggs so Bill Dewey will buy any other supplies needed. The next breakfast will be on April 15th at the clubhouse starting at 9:00. Eggs, Bacon, Pancakes and Juice or Coffee for $8- a bargain!! See you there!!
The checkbook balance is now $1325.25.
The Monthly National Chapter Magazine was then shown on the screen by John Kuehl. The new rule for flying off the hours on your new experimental aircraft was one of the main topics. It is now possible to reduce the 40 hours needed to obtain your unlimited airworthiness certificate by following a task based phase 1 flight testing that will also have your end up with a AOH that will be forever helpful to you or anyone you might sell the aircraft too. Thanks for the leadership EAA national!!
There being no other business the meeting was adjourned by President Johnson at 8:15PM
Respectfully submitted,
Randall Stout, Secretary/ Treasurer
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