EAA 31 November 2019 Meeting Announcement.
We have 2 major events for our November meeting: GUEST SPEAKER and EAA 31 2020 ELECTIONS.
Our GUEST SPEAKER is Neal Laugle, State Aviation Manager, Oregon Dept of Forestry. Neal also serves as an Operations Branch Director for an incident Management Team. Been flying a long time and spent 6 years on an Alaska Helitack crew and a year as a member of the “Tazlina Hot Shots”. This is a guy that has lots of first hand experience fighting forest fires. You will definitely enjoy what he has to say.
EAA31 2020 NOMINATIONS/ELECTIONS. Yours truly will not be serving a 3rd two year term as EAA31 president. We need fresh blood and new ideas. Please be thinking about who among us would be best President, Vice President, Secty/Treas to lead EAA31 to “Greater Heights”.
This is happening on Wednesday November 6th 2019.
November 2019 Video Magazine Time permitting.
6:00 PM Dinner Only $8.00 bucks.
7:00 PM Meeting. At the south end of Hobby Field/Creswell Airport, Creswell OR.
Bring a friend – see you there.
Pres John
EAA 31 BREAKFAST reminder.
9:00 AM Saturday October 19th
Breakfast meeting. EVERY 3rd Saturday. We need to “get on the stick” and nominate EAA 31 Chapter oficers for next year 2020
Pancakes, Butter, Syrup, Bacon, Scrambled eggs, Sausage, Coffee, Orange juice, Hot chocolate, Milk. PLUS Airplanes and hangar flying. An EAA pancake breakfast is where you get this stuff. 9:00 AM at the EAA 31 Hangar. S end of Hobby Field, Creswell Airport, Creswell OR. And only $8:00 bucks! Bring a friend.
Pres John
Meeting Minutes from the 10/2/2019 meeting
EAA Chapter 31 Meeting, October 2nd , 2019
The dinner portion of the meeting started at 6:00 PM hosted by Rod Johnson. There was Hamburgers, Hot Dogs, salad, chips, Potato Salad, cookies for desert and a drink for only $8. Don’t miss their next great meal!! Thanks Rod for the great help and Paul Buehler for cooking!
The meeting started with the pledge of allegiance at 6:59 PM by V.P. Gary Ludeke with President John Kuehl and Secretary/ Treasurer Randy Stout also present. The business and entertainment portion of the meeting was called then to order. There were 14 members and guests in attendance. Checkbook balance was $3859.77 as of the date of the meeting.
Next Chapter breakfast is Saturday, October 19th. Come out to the clubhouse in the AM and pay $8 for an “all you can eat” breakfast of eggs, bacon, sausage, pancakes, OJ, coffee and camaraderie!! Starts at 9:00 and runs to about 10:30 or so. Our volunteers for this breakfast are (hopefully) the same group as last time Tom, Bill, Rod and John, who will coordinate getting the breakfast ready to serve. Thanks in advance guys!
The replacement of the Creswell airport taxiways was the next topic. It is much more extensive than most of us thought.
VP Ludeke then spoke about his recent flight experiences in flying off the hours of the Les Wellington Wayex that he spoke about last month. It seems that they are experiencing fuel flow problems. After much discussion, removal of the inline filter and installation of a gascolator seemed the appropriate solution. He will report back next month.
Tom Cunningham asked to have his “airplane for sale” ad taken off the EAA 31 BLOG
Paul Buehler then spoke about his career in aviation, as a A+P/IA for the airlines until he worked for Heli-Tech manufacturing helicopter accessories. He is now building a Bearhawk B and hydroforming the ribs. He has a lot of experience and is a great new member of the club!!
Doug Kindred then noted that the Oregon Aviation Historical Museum has plans to fly 2 of the Story airplanes and the Great Lakes to Oshkosh for the Centennial Celebration of the Oregon Aviation Department, which began licensing Oregon airplanes in 1921, well before the FAA or CAA.
President John then began the showing of the newest Chapter Video this month, which highlighted the Blakesburg Antique Airplane fly in. It also had a technique lesson on using a hot wire to cut Styrofoam. Always interesting!
Bill Dewey offered to host the next meal before the meeting.
There being no other business, the meeting was then adjourned at 8:28PM
Respectfully submitted,
Randall Stout, Secretary/ Treasurer
(A few pictures from last meeting when we went out to look at the Wayex.)