Mar 19

Final Reminder, Chapter 31 Saturday Fiberglass workshop.

Chapter 31 is having a fiberglass workshop on Saturday March 20 at 9:00am. Meeting is at the clubhouse at the south end of the Creswell Airport.

Face coverings will be required.

Thanks, Pat Dodson

Mar 16

Saturday, March 20 Fiber Glass Workshop

Just wanted to send out another reminder about the fiber glass presentation this coming Saturday, March 20th at 9:00am. We will be meeting at the Chapter 31 clubhouse at the south end of the Creswell Airport.

Presenter will be Mark Bailets. Mark formerly worked at Lockeed and Scaled Composites. He will be doing a brief power point before talking about and answering questions about fiber glassing . He is bringing tools, etc. to show and tell.

Face coverings will be required.

Thanks, Pat

Mar 13

Reminder, Saturday 3/20/21 Workshop on working with Fiberglass

I wanted to put out a reminder that we will be having a workshop on working with fiberglass. If you have an interest in making or repairing fiberglass parts such as wing tips, wheel pants, etc., come and join us.

We will be meeting at 9:00 am, Saturday March 20 at the Chapter 31 Clubhouse at the Creswell Airport.

The presenter will be Mark Bailets who has an extensive background in composites and has worked for Lockeed and Burt Rutan. He will be giving a short power point regarding his background as well as demonstrations.

Masks will be reqired.

Pat Dodson

Mar 04

Meeting Minutes from the 3/3/2021 meeting

EAA Chapter 31 Meeting, March 3rd, 2021

President Pat Dodson, V.P. Rod Johnson and Secretary/ Treasurer Randy Stout as officers were present when the Meeting started at 7:00 sharp at the clubhouse in Creswell. There were 15 Members in attendance. The guests were Casey Baker and his son, who is now our newest member. He is interested in a Zenith CH750, and so was put in touch with the Guru on all things Zenith, Gary Ludeke.

The business portion of the meeting was then called to order.

  • Checkbook balance was $1588.20 as of the date of the meeting. Please note that 2021 dues are due and have been received from only 15 members so far. Please mail the $25 check to: EAA Chapter 31, 86277 Panorama Rd., Springfield, OR  97478   Thanks!!
  • Not sure if you have paid? Here is a list of the paid memberships and date of last payment:
21 PdDuesLastPaidOnStatusLastNameFirstName
7/4/2019MBRWhittier Jr.Milton

 If you were not able to pay last year, it would really be appreciated if you could catch up by paying for both years (I know, we didn’t do much last year. However the electric bill and EAA national Dues still had to be paid!!) Secretary Stout noted that he had President Pat turn off 2 of the 3 refrigerators in the clubhouse and the use of paystubs is the best choice for these payments. He has already noticed a significant drop in electricity costs since this has happened. This is our largest ongoing expense (other than annual national association dues) and costs us between $50-60/ month. By the way, dues have been $25/Year since 1993. What a bargain!!

President Pat noted that next month we will have a very interesting presentation from Mark Bailets on working with fiberglass. Mark has extensive experience in this area and will have a lot of valuable info to share. We will probably do this on a Saturday, so keep an eye on your email for the specifics.

Bill Dewey mentioned that he dinged his wing tip and has finally found (the correct) replacement. Texas Aero Plastic has come through for him.

Gary then suggested (again) that we come up with a design and then install a new sign for the Memorial Garden. The first order of business was to determine the name of the area, and Memorial Garden was chosen to match EAA Nationals area of the same name. Various sign type ideas were discussed with the decision that Gary would look into a Brass plaque type sign and a metal sign from the Creswell sign painter.

Dave Eason brought in some War Bird magazines for the taking, with a lot of great articles in them. He then asked to go through our “Library” and re-organize it and make a sign so folks know that this is a lending library for everyone to take a book home or bring one in. President Pat offered to help, also. Thanks Dave and Pat!!

Mat Northway then relayed his “annual from Hell” experience this winter. The items he replaced or rebuilt were almost more then the ones he didn’t need to touch. His 1929 Bird with the 160 Kinner is back in the air and buzzing our strip weekly!!

President Pat then told the story of bending and forming a bow for his canopy, and the struggles with that.

There being no other business, John Kuehl played the (short) Chapter Video from National and a Homebuilders Corner video on engine mount fabrication.

The meeting was then adjourned at 8:22PM

Respectfully submitted,

Randall Stout, Secretary/ Treasurer

Mar 03

Last Reminder, Chapter 31 March meeting Tonight, 7:00 pm!

Remember to attend tonight’s March Chapter 31 meeting at 700 pm. Bring ideas with you as to what future subjects you might want to see presented at a meeting.

I have tentatively Mark Bailets for a Fiber Glassing class on Saturday, March 20th at 9:00 am.

Remember, face coverings will be required.

Thank you, Pat Dodson

Mar 01

March Chapter 31 meeting this Wednesday 03/03/2021

Just another reminder that we are having an in person Chapter 31 meeting this Wednesday, March 3rd at 7:00 pm. The meeting is at the Chapter club house at the south end of the Creswell Airport.

Face covering(s) will be required.

We will want to confirm a date for Mark Bailets to come and give a class on making fiberglass parts. I have tentatively scheduled him for Saturday, March 20 at 9:00 am. Also, be thinking about what you might be interested in making (wheel pants, wing tips, etc.).

Thanks, Pat Dodson