August Meeting
We will be having our next meeting this Wednesday August 2nd at 7:00pm at the Chapter 31 clubhouse at the south end of the Creswell airport.
Gary Ludeke will be giving a presentation on finishing the phase 1 testing of the Zenith 701 that he has been doing. Should be interesting.
It has also been suggested that we look into the possibility of putting on a STOL contest here at Creswell. May or may not be possible.
We will be having dinner beginning at 6:00pm. The meal will be hamburgers, hot dogs, chips and drinks. Cost is $8.00.
August Meeting
We will be having our chapter meeting next Wednesday, August 2nd at 7:00pm. We will be meeting at the chapter 31 club house at the south end of the Creswell airport.
We will be serving dinner at 6:00pm. The menu is up in the air at this point but the cost will be $8.00.
On a sad note, member Tom Buckhouse died from a stroke on July 17th. Jim Orglosio will be able to give more details (they were partners in an airplane)
Saturday Breakfast
We will be having our Saturday breakfast tomorrow, July 15th, at 9:00am at the EAA chapter 31 clubhouse at the south end of Creswell airport.
The breakfast will consist of bacon, sausage, eggs, pancakes, coffee and juice. Cost is $8.00 per plate.
We will also be reviewing our recent Young Eagles event held on the 4th of July and what went well and where we can improve.
Fly ins and visitors are welcome.
No July meeting this month
We will not be having a July meeting this month as it follows the day after our Young Eagles Day. The event went smoothly with no real problems (organizationally). It looks like we were able to fly 51 kids. Thank you to everyone. We also wish Bill Dewey a speedy recovery from a broken arm.
We will be having our Saturday breakfast on July 15th at 9:00am.