Meeting Minutes for the July 11th Meeting
The meeting started at 6:00 without (sadly)Melinda Petersen’s famous chili but with Brats for those who love Milwaukee’s best (not the beer) and BBQ hamburgers and hot dogs, BBQ beans, chips and a drink for only $5 !! Come next month and bring a friend!
Meeting called to order at 7:05 PM by President Bill Dewey with Sec./Tres. Randy Stout also present. The 16 members and guests in attendance then introduced themselves and gave a brief “What exciting thing happened this last month. Long time member Karl Entenmann, a life member, was able to attend the meeting and get some help from Walt Weischedel on a problem. Ben Hallert discussed his recent Raccoon problem and his creative solutions. Chris Winslow became our newest member. Bruce Lamont made a welcome but rare appearance. Welcome to all!!
There was then a sign report from Rusty Bartel. He is getting the permits and will call the Secretary with the estimated costs when he gets them.
The clubhouse lease is set to expire at the end of the year. Bruce Lamont reported that the Oregon Air and Space Museum pays $1 per year to the city because of their ongoing educational activities. It seemed to most of the members in the group that our $10/ Year lease should remain a reasonable amount due to all of the aviation activities that we allow in the clubhouse for so much of the community. Randy will begin to meet with Shelly to discuss the upcoming renewal.
Bill Dewey and Rusty Bartel then reported on the completion of the Oregon Air Tour. They had a great time even though they had to change plans at the last minute due to weather problems in Bandon (?). Rusty put in 13 hours of flying, which is more than he has ever flown is such a short period of time. Bill wandered all over Oregon and had a “Dee”lightful time with his wife.
The next breakfast is on July 21st. On that same weekend, Bruce Lamont reported that the Oregon Air and Space Museum will be holding their annual air show (static only) at the Eugene Airport, which will include 1 A-26, 4 F-16’s and lots of other birds, cars and activities. Be sure to attend both.
Doug Kindred reported on the recent Swift Fly-In at Cottage Grove. He said that they had 20 Swifts and a great time.
President Bill then began asking for volunteers for the upcoming Creswell Fly-In. The August 17-18-19th event may have as many as 200 meals served by Dave and Melinda Petersen and their helpers. The YE event goes from 9:00-12:00 on the 18th. Many volunteers signed up with Bill at the meeting for various activities.
Bill Dewey then reported that he is now waiting for approval of the plans for the memorial garden before he can get started.
The meeting was adjourned at 8:35 pm
Respectfully submitted,
Randall Stout Secretary/ Treasurer
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