Meeting Minutes from the 10/3/2012 Meeting

10/3/2012 Meeting

The meeting started at 6:00 with Melinda Petersen’s famous chili and Hot Dogs, Hamburgers, Salad! Come next month and bring a friend!

Meeting called to order at 7:00 PM by President Bill Dewey  with Sec./Tres. Randy  Stout also present.

The 16 members and guests in attendance then introduced themselves and gave a brief “What exciting thing happened this last month” talk. Welcome to all!!

Guests included:  Pat Dodson and his father Fred- Long time Creswell flyers and  co-owners of Mid State Industrial- Sweeping.  Pat is still looking for someone who is building an RV-12 or other small, simple airplane that he and his dad can build together. Also, Jim Diehl was here (he has an RV-9A Flying)

The next breakfast is on October 20th.

Tom Cunningham reported that the fuel leak that stopped us from getting his airplane started last month is now fixed, and, with the help of a little starter fluid and his Armstrong starter, he has gotten the engine running.

The meeting was temporarily adjourned so that everyone could go outside and see the PD-2 Roadable Glasair Sportsman GS-2 that was being taxi tested on the airport. We got a very nice tour of the aircraft and many questions answered by Trey Johnson (see if you weren’t at the meeting. This is EAA at its best!

Bill Dewey is still waiting for approval of the plans for the memorial garden before he can get started. During the discussion, it was debated that if the memorial rock that is in front of the clubhouse could be placed there without any approval, it wouldn’t seem necessary that we would need one for our memorial garden. (Update: Bill informed me that the airport commission is giving approval for the memorial garden at another site on the airport that should work even better than the site we choose. Looks like we will be starting the project in the next 2 weeks!!)

It was noted with sadness the passing of Rick Friberg, the sparkplug who got the Creswell Fly-In back up and running last year. Tailwinds forever Rick.

Bill Dewey reported that the Chapter 31 Christmas Party is on December 15th this year. Stay tuned for further details.

AOPA will be having a Safety Seminar at the Red Lion on the 22nd of October.

The meeting was adjourned at 7:55 pm
Respectfully submitted,

Randall Stout Secretary/ Treasurer

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