Meeting Minutes from the May 7th, 2014 meeting
EAA Chapter 31 Meeting, May 7th, 2014
The dinner portion of the meeting started at 6:00 PM (Without Melinda Petersen’s famous chili). Hot Dogs, Hamburgers, salad and chips with a drink and dessert for $5. Come early and enjoy the company of eagles (some bald one’s too!!)
The business and entertainment portion of the meeting was called to order at 6:57 PM by President Gary Ludeke with V.P. John Kuehl and Sec./Tres. Randy Stout also present. President Ludeke began by asking all to stand and recite the pledge of allegiance to the flag.
There were 28 members and guests in attendance. Among the guests in attendance was Bruce Gustafson, Chapter 1457 member, who said that many in their group planned to attend and help with our YE event on July 4th. He asked if anyone from our group could help them with their event on the 2nd of August, either by flying or flipping pancakes.
Other guests included Virgil and Bridget Pratt ( (who joined at the meeting). They have a Sky coupe and both are working on their licenses now. We also hosted Chuck Hunt, who just retired and is getting flight training at LCC and wants to put together a RV-12 flying club. We met Steve Bolton from LCC, who got his private with Gary Ludeke, and Gary got his tail wheel endorsement from him. Also, Bill Cummings ( joined the group and wants to learn to fly, and finally, the good Dr. Richard Hansen, who gave our presentation. Welcome to all!!
Ron Rinaldi was unable to attend to update the “Buy a Brick” program, but should be with us next meeting.
Pres. Gary then noted that the gate into the clubhouse is in poor condition and we have received some money from past member Michael O’Connell Sr. to help repair it. Rusty and Bill Dewey will attend to this.Bill has already purchased the new gates. Thanks to all the volunteers! Gary spoke with Shelly for approval before we began the project.
Next Chapter breakfast is May 17th at the clubhouse. $5 for an all you can eat breakfast of eggs, bacon, sausage, pancakes, biscuits and gravy, OJ, coffee and camaraderie!! Come and bring your appetite!!
Allen Weider then noted that he is now a Tech Counselor for chapter 1457 and soon for chapter 31
Secretary Stout mentioned that due are due again. $25 made out to EAA Chapter 31 and given to him or sent to 86277 Panorama Rd., Springfield, OR 97478
President Gary then spoke to the club about our participation in Creswell’s July 4th celebrations. He is hoping that we can add our “Airport Days” to the festivities, which should include a float for the parade (Tom Cunningham offered to trailer his Fire Star), a fly-over and several events at the airport to draw people in. Gary also mentioned that the club will be providing the meals, and that the Skydivers will be doing a demo with possibly the RC modelers here also. There usually are 20,000 people in attendance, so this is a great opportunity to interface with the general public and get the EAA story out. Dave Petersen asked if our activities would the only activities on the field for this event, and got an affirmative answer. He needs to get chapter insurance for the event.
Dr. Hansen then gave a very informative talk on Pilot Medical’s and self-certifying for LSA flights. He does from 15-20 Medicals per month. Among his slides, he showed one that noted that your Cholesterol should be near 100 plus your age, with max of 125 LDL and Max of 150 Triglycerides. Your BP should not be above 155/95. Diabetes is a possible problem if you are taking insulin, but on occasion, people with diabetes have been allowed to fly if they take their blood sugar level one hour before flying and every hour after that while still flying. He is also a pilot and wants everyone to be safe and have fun, which sometimes means knowing when to stop flying, or when to take a cognitive exam. Thanks Dr. Hansen for the presentation and for being a great Dr. we can rely on to be our advocate.
Dave Eason then gave a brief “Craftsman Corner” presentation about his bolt on wheels that he installed on his drill press and table saw. Very slick!
We then settled down to watch the monthly Chapter Video from national. In it, they described a great workshop on Corvair engines that is held yearly. Many people attended and several completed engines were tested on the stand. Very hands on with great technical help.
There being no other business, the meeting was adjourned at 8:55 pm
respectfully submitted,
Randall Stout, Secretary/ Treasurer
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