Meeting Minutes from the 10/2/2014 meeting
EAA Chapter 31 Meeting, October 2nd , 2014
The dinner portion of the meeting started at 6:00 PM (With Sandy Ludeke’s now famous chili). Hot Dogs, Hamburgers, salad and chips with a drink and dessert for only $5. (*see more about the menu in the minutes)
The business and entertainment portion of the meeting was called to order at 7:03 PM by President Gary Ludeke with V.P. John Kuehl and Secretary / Treasurer Randy Stout present. Dave Petersen went home early not feeling well, but set up and cooked the dinner as he normally does. President Ludeke began by asking all to stand and recite the pledge of allegiance to the flag.
There were 23 members and guests in attendance. Among the guests were Jim Walker, a nurse at the hospital with a real interest in aviation, Mike Tracey, a salesman at Roverson Ford and Diraya Torigian, EAA # 423423 who is doing a quick build project. We also had Bill Johnson join the group as our newest member. He is originally from Simi Valley , CA.
Pres. Ludeke then mentioned that the Creswell Cronicle did an article on the re-painting of the Creswell Airport mural (which is nearly complete). They also did an article on the “Buy a Brick” program, with Gary holding up a brick, but with an unfortunately worded T-shirt in the background. Ask him about it.
Gary suggested that everyone who hasn’t seen the fuselage for Tony’s new road-able airplane exit the building and check it out while we still had daylight. Tony had parked it up front of the clubhouse. Most of the folks in attendance did take a peak, and in about 15 minutes, the group was called back to order.
Gary also asked for a show of hands for those who will be attending the LSA Inspector/Repair person workshop at Mulino on October 3rd and 4th which will cost $375. This workshop will allow you to certify your experimental LSA for flight each year. It is being put on by a very professional group of teachers and repair people. Several people raised their hands.
*Although Tom Cunningham had asked last month if we could vary the menu a bit month to month, Gary was not able to find a volunteer with a cooking talent for doing so this month. His wife’s Chili was a great treat, but he is hoping for a more radical change in the menu for next month. Anyone with an interest or talent are asked to contact him on this matter.
Randy gave an update on the “Buy a Brick” program. 2 people have purchased bricks and paid, and he was able to show the first bricks that are ready for installation. He asked Dave Eason if he would install them, and Dave agreed to get it done. He reminded the group that if we purchase 4 bricks at a time, we will not be charged the $19.95 fee for less than 4.
Next Chapter breakfast is October 18th (a special birthday for someone in the group) at the clubhouse. $5 for an all you can eat breakfast of eggs, bacon, sausage, pancakes, biscuits and gravy, OJ, coffee and camaraderie!! Starts at 9:00 and runs to about 11:00 or so. Come and bring your appetite!!
There being no other business, the meeting then hosted our speaker of the night, Tony Horvath from Specialty Aero, who also brought in a guest to help with the presentation, Sean Van Hatten. They showed a nice group of aircraft parts that they manufacture at the North end of the airport and a new covering system that they are having some success with on the low airspeed birds. Very interesting look at his business and Sean did a good job helping Tony. Thanks to both of them!!
The meeting was then adjourned at 8:15 pm
respectfully submitted,
Randall Stout, Secretary/ Treasurer
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