Minutes from the 5/6/2015 Meeting

EAA Chapter 31 Meeting, May 6th, 2015

The dinner portion of the meeting started at 6:00 PM hosted by the wonderful Virgil and Bridget Pratt. There were sirloin burgers, hot dogs, potato and green salad along with 2 types of brownies and chips with a drink for only $5. It just keeps getting better!!

The business and entertainment portion of the meeting was called to order at 7:00 PM by President Gary Ludeke, with V.P. John Kuehl and Secretary / Treasurer Randy Stout also present.

There were 22 members in attendance. Guests this time included our speaker for the night, Jim Yourdon, the South Lane Modelers President. These are the nice folks who use our clubhouse once a month (3rd Monday at 7:00PM) for their meetings. They try to fly weekends and Thursdays at their field on Mosby Creek.

After the pledge of allegiance, the group moved to Gary’s hangar to look at several pieces of the RV-3 that we now have, and some of the work that needs to be done. The group then moved back into the clubhouse for the rest of the meeting.

Next Chapter breakfast is May 16th at the clubhouse. $5 for an all you can eat breakfast of eggs, bacon, sausage, pancakes, OJ, coffee and camaraderie!! Starts at 9:00 and runs to about 10:30 or so. Bridget Pratt will be gone, but Virgil, Tom Cunningham and Bill Dewey agreed to put it on, and hope that Alan Weider will be there also. Virgil and Bridget will get some supplies for the breakfast (Bacon, Sausage, creamer and syrup)

President Gary spoke about the sign-up sheet we now have for people wanting rides and those willing to give them. It is by the North Door. He also noted that we will move the meeting in June at some time over to Ray Morse’s hangar for a look at his project, before we move back to the clubhouse.

He then spoke about the RV-3 project. It still needs a cowling. Jim Beale is working on the tail wheel. Ray Morse will blast the bigger parts. Randy will blast the smaller parts. The simulator is still here, but will be gone within the week. The project is at the rear of the clubhouse for everyone to see the progress.

The group was reminded that the OAHS in Cottage Grove will be holding their “Wings and Wheels” fund raising event on June 27th. Several people have signed up to show their airplanes.

President Gary then spoke about our Young Eagles event this year on July 4th. Tom Cunningham will be displaying his FireStar airplane during the parade and attending the Chamber meetings on this topic. Rod Johnson and Bridget Pratt agreed to be co-YE chairpersons. Gary has already sent for the insurance from EAA national for the event. We will probably not do a lunch for this event, although it is still an option. Don Cole will try to get some Civil Air Patrol members in to help, subject of course to not being needed for an active search.

It was noted that HR1062 (To amend the Pilot’s Bill of Rights to facilitate appeals and to apply to other certificates issued by the Federal Aviation Administration, to require the revision of the third class medical certification regulations issued by the Federal Aviation Administration, and for other purposes.) is still in committee. Contact Peter DeFazio to express support for this important bill.

We continue to work on the list of items we are still considering selling or buying for the clubhouse. We will continue to look at this list and refine it as we discuss ideas at each upcoming meeting.

 Items to Dispose of:                                      Items to Acquire

Bookcase w/ old magazines                        Table for cooking from Tom C.

Big Work Table                                                 Cabinet for cleaning supplies

4 Better Couches                                             Range Hood

2 Saw Horses                                                     2 New electrical circuits for new cook area

2 old couches                                                    Cabinet for Pop and other supplies

Coffee Maker w/o heat pad                        Re-Design floor plan of clubhouse

Magazines on floor in boxes

Extension cords in rafters
There being no other business, President Gary invited Jim Yourdon, the South Lane RC Modelers President to come forward and tell the group about the RC modelers’ world. Jim spoke about their group, their activities and the way that RC flying has changed recently due to the availability of good battery powered motors. He demonstrated the power of these motors with a model he brought with him, and it was quite impressive. He also showed us how the dual control system works, and related a flying mishap that our illustrious President had (not his fault!!) during a recent meeting at the flying field. He ended his speech inviting all of us to the next meeting at our clubhouse, and to come to their Mosby Creek field and watch them fly sometimes. Thanks Jim for a great talk!!

The meeting was then adjourned at 8:22 pm
respectfully submitted, Randall Stout, Secretary/ Treasurer

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