EAA 31 November 2017 Meeting
Wednesday Nov 1st. On the docket will be the results of the findings of the nominating committee. (sounds like a real Russian election), and we need to decide what we are going to do for the Christmas party next month. Nov. Chapter Video if available.
This month the 1st Wednesday of the month IS the 1st of the month this month. We will be focusing on EDUCATION this meeting. So – you will either be bored out of your skulls – or – learn some really useful stuff like:
Grip lock ties, and Excellent corrosion protection by just cleaning the aluminum surfaces on your project. Better, more permanent, grounding. Eliminating safety wiring. Better, smoother, cheaper control cables. Weird tools for turnbuckles. Nerdy stuff for documenting your project with your cellphone. Cutting Aircraft plywood. How to secure poly fuel lines with simple standoffs that won’t crimp the line. Easy Pitot static fittings. Hot wire cutter construction.
If that’s not enough, we’ll see tips on Tig welding, Tig welding accessories. Easy ways to fit fishmouth tubing. Better key switch installation, New nerdy angle measurement and transfer.
Menu not yet finalized but you can be sure it will be good and tasty.
WHEN: This Wednesday the 1st of November 6:00 PM Dinner. 7:00 PM Meeting
WHERE: EAA 31 Hanger/clubhouse, South end of Hobby Field, Creswell Airport.
WHY: Cause this is what we do. Building and flying Aircraft is what we are about.
HOW: Any way we can, anywhere we can.
WHO: EAA members and friends. Bring a friend. Bring lots of friends.
HOW MUCH: $5.00 each for the 1st 30 minutes (the meal) and the rest is FREE.
President John
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