EAA 31 May 2nd 2018 Meeting
We have lots of good stuff to cover this month.
Bill Dewey will surprise us with fine food from whatever Costco has on special.
John Kuehl will give a short report from what he learned at EAA leadership training in Oshkosh last month.
The new owners of Eugene Skydivers (Mark & Africa) will introduce themselves and stress what good neighbors they intend to be at Hobby Field.
Our Main Speaker will be our own EAA 31 member Jim Origlisso, wing leader for Angel Flight West. Jim will share his experiences in that organization; What it does and how it works. For those not familiar with AFW, it is a non-profit made up of pilots who volunteer their time, fuel, and aircraft to provide air transportation to those in need. Jim has flown over 80 missions since joining AFW in 2012. This should be very interesting.
Time permitting – May Chapter Video Magazine.
Wed May 2nd, Dinner 6:00 PM $8.00. Meeting 7:00 PM at Creswell Airport, Hobby Field 77S. 538 feet above mean sea level. Off I5 at Creswell Oregon.
Bring a friend!
President John
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