For those of you who have visited my wife Sandy at the Creswell Rehabilitation Center or passed on your best wishes for her I sincerely thank you! I brought her home from the rehab center yesterday after first taking her for her first post-surgery checkup with her surgeon. He reported that she is doing very well with her recovery but still has a long way to go. She will have to use extra caution for the rest of her life as the possibility of a hip dislocation is now greater after the replacement. Flying with me in the RV is going to be a few months off due to the gyrations needed to get in and out of the airplane.

On another note, I apologize for screwing up the years for our elections! I, obviously, was sure it was time to reelect new officers. I hope no one rushed out and hired a campaign manager to help them run for the presidency!

I just received confirmation from Todd Hamilton and Mike Anderson from the Creswell School District that they will be at our next meeting to tell us about the district’s plans for their aviation program and how we may help in making the program a success. Please make an extra effort to attend the meeting. This may be an area where Chapter 31 can make a significant contribution to the future of the next generation of pilots and other related professions. President John and his wife Ruth have graciously offered to handle dinner. Sandy and I were on the books to do this one until her unfortunate accident.

VP Gary

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