Instead we will have our Christmas Party with 1457 at Chapter 31 Clubhouse Saturday, Dec 14th. Starts at 6:00 PM
Smoked Brisket, pulled Pork, Turkey and maybe some ribs. Chapter 31 will provide dishes, flatware, cups and soda. Chapter 1457 will arrange the entree.
Please bring a side dish, salad, or desert of your choice. If you are not a cook and can’t get to the deli, we’ll have a donation jar so come on. If you prefer wine or beer to drink, feel free to bring some as well; and please drink responsibly.
For those who would like to participate in the gift exchange, bring one to get one. $15 max, aviation themed if possible, and don’t be surprised by any white elephants.
Not too late to sign up (do it quickly) RSVP to Alan (alan.wieder.rv9a@gmail.com) with number of people attending so we can arrange catering.
Hope to see you all there. Fly safe!
John Kuehl, Chap 31 & Alan Wieder, Chap1457
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