Meeting Minutes from the 5/5/2021 meeting
President Pat Dodson, V.P. Rod Johnson and Secretary/ Treasurer Randy
Stout as officers were present when the Meeting started at 7:01 at the
clubhouse in Creswell. There were 15 Members in attendance. The only
guest was Shelly Humble who, after an update on Sid Voorhees loss of his wife, gave the following report:
Airport Manager’s Updates
Runway Reconstruction Design Update
Ms. Humble stated that a Biologist completed the first of three step process on the Streaked Horn Lark Study and found none which is great news. If there are no Streaked Horn Larks found during this study, the airport will not be required to perform another study for five years.
2020 COAR Grants Update – Generator for EOC
The Emergency Operation Generator project is progressing and hopes to have construction starting soon. Shelley stated that she is finalizing the contracts so that the notice to proceed can be given.
2021 COAR Grants Update
Shelley will be working to acquire the EOC equipment detailed in the 2021 COAR EOC Equipment Grant.
North End Development – Wastewater Design Update
Shelley Humble updated the Commissioners as to the status of the north end development/Wastewater Design. Ms. Humble stated that the City and Airport are working with Aqua Resource Design and Consulting to complete the design for the Wastewater System on the airport to service all tenants. The next steps are to dig test holes for an inspection by Lane County which is the government entity that issues Wastewater permits. The City is continuing to work with the interested parties regarding the hangar build on the north end.
Helicopter Operations – Rules and Regulations Update
July 4th Event
Airport Manager stated that the City Council has requested that the Airport hold a 4th of July event at the airport similar to the event held last year. The Chamber of Commerce has been able to fill all vacant board of directors position so they will take over the planning of the July 4th events for the Creswell City. Kona Ice has been confirmed to be at the airport form 10:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m.. The Airport will work with the EAA to create the event, more details to follow.
Thanks Shelly as always!
The business portion of the meeting was then called to order.
* Checkbook balance was $1979.56 as of the date of the meeting.
Please note that 2021 dues are due and have been received from
only 21 members so far. Please mail the $25 check to: EAA Chapter
31, 86277 Panorama Rd., Springfield, OR 97478 Thanks!!
There being no other business, President Pat then invited member Paul Buhler to give his presentation on making molds to make parts from composite or other materials. It was very interesting when he sent around the room several molds he had made (one for a climbing rock!) Thanks Paul!
After this presentation, John Kuehl played the (short) Chapter Video from National and a Homebuilders Corner video on Folding wing aircraft.
The meeting was then adjourned at 8:12PM
Respectfully submitted,
Randall Stout, Secretary/ Treasurer
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