Meeting Minutes from the 5/4/2022 meeting
Meeting Minutes from the 5/4/2022 meeting.
President Rod Johnson, V.P. Eric Farry and Secretary/ Treasurer Randy Stout as officers were present when the Meeting started at 7:10PM at the clubhouse in Creswell. There were 13 Members and 5 guests in attendance. Guests were John Parker (former airline pilot and now builder of an RV-8), Aaron Maccabee and our guest speaker for the evening, Brendon Omara and his wife Jessica. Aaron Maccabee joined the group after the meeting ended. Welcome!!
Dinner was prepared by President Rod Johnson, Secretary Stout and Paul Beuhler, and consisted of Hot Dogs and Hamburgers, salad, Cookies and a drink for $8.00!!
President Rod Johnson called the meeting to order. He asked for any old business. There being none, he asked for new business.
John Kuehl rose and mentioned that next meeting we will have Chapter 1457 President Ben Grubb here to present a program on Drones.
Jim Origliosso then spoke about his efforts with the Lane Country Disaster Response group. They will be holding a simulated event at the clubhouse on June 18th where they will be flying in about 10,000lbs of food as a trial to see how well it can be handled and distributed out in the event of a disaster. They will be flying it out to various charities throughout the coast on light aircraft. He asked for volunteers to help with logistics and flying the food. Please contact him at 541-521-7884 if you can help.
Gary Ludeke then spoke about his recent induction into the Society of Experimental Test Pilots (founded in 1955 with the likes of Chuck Yeager etc.) He is one of the few civilians who has had this honor. Great job Gary!!
Rod then asked Brendon to come up and give his presentation. He is involved in a company in Salem that has a full motion simulator (in addition to a bunch of products for You Tubers) and gave a quick update talk about Proficiency Vs. Currency. He then sent around the room several of his products that they make and sell on the web site ( They included standard and ANR headsets, gel cups, mic muffs, strobe controllers and sun-screens. He then gave out some swag to a lucky few. Thanks again for coming down and showing us your stuff!
As you probably know, we have started our monthly breakfast on the 3rd Saturday of the month. Therefore, we need members to help make the fixins’. Walt Weischedel will bring his eggs and Bill Dewey will check on the rest of the supplies. The next breakfast will be on May 21st at the clubhouse starting at 9:00. Eggs, Bacon, Pancakes and Juice or Coffee for $8- a bargain!! See you there!!
The checkbook balance is now $ 1343.26 so don’t forget to send your money in for dues if you haven’t already.
John Kuehl then showed us the most recent EAA National Chapter Video Magazine.
There being no other business the meeting was adjourned at 8:15PM
Respectfully submitted,
Randall Stout, Secretary/ Treasurer
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