Meeting Minutes from the 11/01/2023 meeting.
President Rod Johnson, VP Eric Farry and Secretary/ Treasurer Randy Stout as officers were present when the Meeting started at 7:10 PM at the clubhouse in Creswell. There were 12 Members, and four guests in attendance. Our guests were Jenny Collins (Principle at Creswell High), Mike Anderson (School Board and Creswell Airport Commission member) Shelly Humble (Creswell Airport Manager) and Tim Herman from South Lane RC Modelers. Welcome to you all!!
President Rod Johnson, Vice President Eric Farry and Bill Dewey (with a nicely healed arm!) prepared dinner, which consisted of Lasagna, French Bread, salads, Chips, Cookies, Pumpkin Pie, and a drink- for $8.00. Thats a bargain!!Thanks guys!
President Rod Johnson called the meeting to order. He asked Shelly Humble to give her report on Creswell Airport.
As I am not good at dictation, here is what I did record of that info packed presentation: She is working to complete 5 CORE grants which include EOC Operations Center, 2 security gates, other gates and runway lights and tree removal on the end of 34. She is also working on an ARPA grant for the new wastewater treatment plant and was hoping to break ground this spring on the new north taxiways. However, she just found out that there needs to be an FAA Approved Site evaluation (environmental study) done on potential Salmon impacts of these taxiways. (I haven’t dodged too many Salmon- ever!) As always, she has been super busy and I am sure that I have missed much of her presentation, but between Ham Radio projects and AIP Match grants and balloon lights, we are excited to see the changes.
She then presented a copy of a handout from the flood workshop she attended with CG pictures of what we could expect from a flood in our area. The important fact was that Creswell Airport will not be underwater and will be a key to recovery in the area.
Remember our next monthly breakfast will be on the 3rd Saturday of the month. We need members to help make the fixings. Walt Weischedel is bringing eggs. The next breakfast will be on November 18th at the clubhouse starting at 9:00. Eggs, Bacon, Pancakes and Juice or Coffee for $8- a bargain!! We will do clubhouse cleaning after breakfast, so leave a little time before your next adventure. See you there!
Christmas Party!! We will be having a clubhouse decorating party on December 2nd in anticipation of our annual Christmas party to be held on our meeting night, Wednesday, December 6th at 6:00. Chapter 1457 from Eugene will be joining us, and it should be a great time for everyone!
The checkbook balance is now $1384.51 (before the deposit from tonight).
Gary Ludeke was then asked to take the floor and discuss the plans for the “Build and Fly” RC model build that the club purchased early in the year. He and Pat Dodson met with the Jenny Collins, Principle at Creswell High and she decided to come to the meeting to check out this group of misfits. They will work with her to ascertain the interest of students for a workshop to build the RC model, with the potential to work on the new 7/8th scale PA-18 we received recently. They have already produced a flyer to have Jennie use to help make them aware of this opportunity. We were told that Josea (?) Wynn (the instructor involved with the aviation program) believed that between 6 and 12 kids signing up would be the sweet spot for this adventure.
Gary will be checking with EAA National about YE insurance for this project, along with YE money the club may have to spend. It was noted that volunteers will need to have background checks (a bit different than the EAA Risk We really appreciate Jennie and Mike being here to get the ball rolling on this YE project!!
Bill Dewey then spoke about getting some gray bricks to replace the bricks that we are moving to the flagpole area. We are still waiting for the replacement bricks to arrive so that he can install them all at one time.
John Kuehl then played the Chapter Video magazine. In it, Tom reminded us that the Ray Scolarships will be awarded soon, and we need to nominate our Young Person who will need one. Jakon Messer was an obvious choice, as he has been taking lessons from Gary Ludeke and is progressing nicely. It was moved, 2nded and pass unanimously that we nominate Jakon for this honor. The application will be filled out and filed right away. Go get them!!
There being no other business the meeting was adjourned by President Johnson at 8:25PM.
Respectfully submitted,
Randall Stout, Secretary/ Treasurer
Thanks for the info.Great!This is great, thank you!ReplyForward |
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