September 2nd, 2009 meeting
The meeting started with our normally great hamburger/hotdog Bar-B-Q at 6:00. A special ice cream bar dessert was the hit of the evening meal.
Meeting called to order at 7:03 PM by President Ben Hallert, V.P. Bill Dewey was off traveling but Sec./Tres. Randy Stout was present. The 19 members and guests in attendance then introduced themselves. We hosted our young friend Alex Munsel again.
A suggestion to pressure wash the building and otherwise spruce it up at this time was made and this work was done by Walt Weischedel. Thanks!
David Dement noted that he has a couple of radios for sale. They are a KLX 99 and KLS100GPS and a PS Engineering 1000 intercom. Call him if interested at 686-3188.
Brent Burgess then noted that the clothing with our logo is available at the back of the clubhouse in the locked cabinet. We will be bringing it out at each meeting in case anyone wants a new shirt or sweatshirt.
Daniel Cathy had suggested that the group purchase a 8’x1.5’ banner with “Experimental Aircraft Association Chapter 31” spelled out for the next activity that the club gets involved with. We have one now purchased, 8’x18” for $141.
The next breakfast is in conjunction with the Young Eagle Flying event that will be held on Saturday, 12th of September.
Ken Schmidt has purchase the Bruce Curtis donated 6061 sheet aluminum in the clubhouse. He paid for it at the meeting. He also mentioned that you will need the new plastic pilot license by March 2010. Thanks Ken!
Bruce Curtis then noted that a 1/3 interest in a 1966 Citabria is available for $8500. Call him if you have the need for this plane at 485-2957.
Ben Hallert then mentioned the October 24th Arlington Sport Workshop that is being put on. It will feature electrical installation and sheet metal basics. It includes all the tools and will cost $289 for the 2 day course.
Randy sent Dave Heisely a nice a card expressing the clubs appreciation of all his work in the past, and asking if the club can do anything else for him at this time. It was suggested that Rusty Bartel ofter to mow his grass at the same time that he mows the clubhouse grass.
Rusty Bartel also suggested that we have a list of special tools that club members have available for loan or help. Next meeting, everyone should be prepared to write down the tools that you are willing to share or bring with you to help. It should be a great resource.
There being no new business, the meeting was adjourned at 8:05 and a field day to clean the clubhouse commenced. Everyone pitched in and in no time the clubhouse was in great shape for the YE event.
Respectfully submitted,
Randall Stout
Secretary/ Treasurer
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