November 4th, 2009 meeting
The meeting started with our plentiful hamburger/hotdog/chips and drinks Bar-B-Q at 6:00. It is still only $3!!!
Meeting called to order at 7:02 PM by President Ben Hallert with V.P. Bill Dewey and Sec./Tres. Randy Stout also present. The 14 members and guests in attendance then were asked to talk about what new and exciting things were happening in their lives. This took more than a few minutes, but added greatly to everyone’s enjoyment. Who knew that adding a bit of Calcium Carbide and water to a gophers hole and lighting it could be such a fun!
The next breakfast will be held on Saturday, 21th of November. Continued roof work on the new patio cover will be the order of the day along with a raking crew (bring a rake!!) who will spread a load of loam that Daniel Cathy will be providing. This should take seed and make a better taxiway this next spring when the grass grows up. Also, a few YE flights may take place just after this breakfast.
Bill Dewey thanked Louis Lyons for his donation of clear panels for the roof. He also recommended everyone be careful whenever using silicone seal on Polycarbonate roofing or aircraft windows, as certain types will ruin the material. He suggested that we install a low voltage lighting system on the new covered deck area, in order to see better without needing another building permit.
Rusty Bartel has created a list of special tools that club members have available for loan or help. It should be a great resource. Anyone who also wants to add a few tools to the list, contact Rusty with this info. Thanks!
The Challenger II belonging to George Oswald was the next topic of conversation. The club has decided that they would like to help the Oswalds sell it. Randy will store it in his hangar until the final decision or sale is made by the Oswalds. Daniel and Randy will be moving it at the next available time, but before the Christmas Party.
The Christmas dinner was the next topic. Dave Petersen has accepted the chairmanship of the event this year. His goal is to bring us a superb meal that includes Prime Rib or Salmon, potato, vegetables and rolls for $10 ($13 if you don’t bring a side dish). A-M will bring a dessert, and N-Z will bring a salad or side dish. The date will be December 5th, starting at 5:30. See you there!
The clubhouse was the meeting place for the OACAC 24th of October get together. Dave and Melinda Petersen made lunch for the crowd starting at 11:30 and raised $60 for the club for these efforts. Daniel Cathy rose to express thanks from the OACAC to the group and especially the Petersens for a great time. He also asked the club to consider the purchase of a large (50-60 cup) coffeemaker for events such as these, and several members offered to check out the price before we purchased one.
The Scott Henderson memorial was the next topic of discussion. Thanks was given to the several volunteers that helped place the memorial stone and benches. However, many members felt that we had not done enough to recognized deceased EAA chapter 31 members, and that we should have a nice area and procedure for doing so. After much discussion, it was decided to check out sites on the airport that would allow the creation of a more formal, garden type memorial area. Hopefully by this spring we will have a beautiful design plan to present to the airport manager that will honor both our members and Scott.
There being no new business, the meeting was adjourned at 8:40 PM.
Respectfully submitted,
Randall Stout
Secretary/ Treasurer
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