Meeting Notes for January 5th, 2011

The meeting started at 6:00 with our normal BBQ hamburgers and hot dogs, without (sadly) Melinda’s famous chili but we did have a nice salad and chips and banana bread. Still a bargain at $4!!
Meeting called to order at 7:05 PM by President Bill Dewey and Sec./Tres. Randy Stout also present. The 19 members and guests in attendance then introduced themselves and gave a brief “What exciting thing happened this last month”. Among the guests were past member of chapter 31 and (past?) President of chapter 1452 John Stahr. He mentioned that he has 2/3’rds of a 172 for sale. Randy Stout mentioned that his hangar at Creswell will be available for a few months, starting March 1st, while he and Walt complete the RV-12.

Several members had asked for “Come visit us at Chapter 31” stickers for the Sport Aviation and Vintage Aircraft magazines that they want to put in various doctors and dentists offices. Randy brought and gave out a good number during the meeting.

The next Chapter 31 breakfast will be held on Saturday, 15th of January. Check the web site to be sure this date hasn’t been changed or cancelled due to the Duck parade on that same day.

The just past Christmas party was the next topic of discussion. The (very much enjoyed) choices of Prime Rib or Salmon entrees were excellent as usual (thanks Brent for your cooking expertise), along with a raffle of various prizes. The club provided the baked potatoes and veggies, along with the entrée. President Bill also came up with a great deal on dishes and flatware, so next time we get together, we can have an equally elegant dinner. Thanks to all who helped and attended. It was a memorable evening!

The Memorial Area plans are still progressing.  At the meeting is was decided that Bill Dewey will contact his daughter who works at the U of O architecture department, and his other daughter to help engineer a bridge and see if we can get our concept sketch put together to give to Shelly (and from there the City of Creswell). We hope to have the final site chosen and a rough idea as to what the city of Creswell wants in the way of bridges (or hopefully just a filled in culvert) by the next meeting. After that, getting City approval will be the next hurdle. It makes the actual building of the area a simple matter.

The article in the Register Guard about Scott Henderson was the next topic. After much discussion, it is noted that everyone is saddened by this apparent lack of judgment regarding recreational drug use and flying.

Past President Ben is still working on getting a new computer to dedicate to our projector project in order to watch TV and DVD’s without someone having to bring a laptop. Ben then presented the club with cash from the Christmas party that he, Dave and Melinda and other group members have worked so hard on. Thanks again to everybody who helped!!

Dave Heisley mentioned that he will be turning the water off for the last part of January and part of February to exercise his ownership rights to the water. He asked last month if he could replace the bulb in the outdoor light, but when it proved to need more than a bulb, he enlisted Walt and Randy to help replace the fixture. It seems to work great now.

Dave also asked that we make up a sign that states “Please do not drive on the grass, septic field damage can result!” or some such. John Stahr offered to make 2 such signs (with much clearer language hopefully) and we will put them up by the side of the building. That’s inter-chapter cooperation if I have ever seen it!

Daniel Cathy was then complimented on his article that was just published in the OACAC newsletter. Maybe he will be so kind as to post another story on Chapter 31’s website? In the meantime, Daniel nominated Dave and Melinda Petersen to be our volunteer(s) of the year for 2010 and be so recognized on our plaque. This nomination was moved and 2nded, passed unanimously. Several people also came to mind when this subject was brought up, but they either have already won the award, or will be so honored next year.

The Chapter 31 Service Awards were then given out to all the guilty parties. Thanks from every member of the group to those who have served this year.

We are still attempting to fill the vacant VP slot, and vote for a Secretary and Treasurer. Please have nominees names ready at the next meeting. Also, please ask the so nominated person if they would consent to serve if elected in order to avoid any embarrassment if they have to decline in public.

That concluded the business portion of the meeting. Past President Ben then came forward and gave a nice presentation on mini-video cameras that add fun to every flight (or trip around the area). He explained the functions and capabilities of the MD-80 with 8GB of memory and a larger unit that is able to be mounted to a stand. They were available on the internet for $15 and $60 respectively, so cost is not a big objection to adding this your flight bag. Thanks Ben for showing us your (always) cutting edge gadgets!

There being no new business, the meeting was adjourned at 8:18 PM .
Respectfully submitted,

Randall Stout
Secretary/ Treasurer

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