January 2009 Minutes
January 7th, 2009 Meeting
The meeting started with a special Spaghetti-Garlic bread and salad dinner (instead of our great hamburger/hotdog/ Chili Bar-B-Q) at 6:00. Ben Hallert, our new President, did himself proud!! It was delicious!
Meeting called to order at 7:03 PM by President Ben Hallert, V.P. Bill Dewey and Sec./Tres. Randy Stout also present. 26 members and guests were in attendance and introduced themselves. Among the guests were Wayne and Del Ray Bowers (who became a member at the meeting), Welcome to all!
Daniel Cathy asked the club to make a decision on whether or not we would put on the breakfast and lunch at the July 18th Oregon Aviation Historical Society in conjunction with the Bohemia Mining Days group at the Cottage Grove airport. After a brief discussion, several people volunteered and so agreed to run this event. In that vein, Bruce Curtis asked if we could organize the breakfasts a little better, with a list of volunteers and substitutes so that we knew who would be cooking and cleaning each month. He also mentioned that he had a good sum of money that the breakfasts had made during the previous year, and was asked to have Brent Burgess sell all the T-shirts and sweatshirts to the club for resale.
Ken Schmidt had volunteered for a field trip to his workshop after the January breakfast, but due to some unforeseen circumstances, he said that he would have his tour later in the year. New member Wayne Bowers was asked if we could tour his shop, and he agreed. He is building an RV-12 and several people expressed interest in seeing his progress. Sounds like a good time!!
A suggestion had been made to improve the clubhouse by replacing the toilets. Our water manager and neighbor, Dave Heisley said that they have not been a problem recently with running over, so he suggested that we don’t replace them at this time. He also noted that he would be turning off the water (as usual) in February in order to keep his control of the water service. Thanks again Dave for another year of free water!!
Ben Hallert said that he will contact Scott Henderson again about renting the clubhouse for a weekend glider operation meeting area. If this activity is approved by the airport manager, the club might rent the clubhouse for various days, as long as we are a named insured on his policy.
It was noted that there are now 2 windows in the clubhouse (the only ones not replaced this summer!) that seem to need replacing. Bill Dewey and Rusty Bartel were asked to take this project on and see if they can find some good units. (They did the other ones) Thanks guys!
A discussion ensued about changing the breakfast from the 2nd Saturday to the 3rd. Saturday so that we would not conflict with the Independence group, and that they might find that Creswell is a great place to fly to for breakfast. It was decided to have Ben contact them to be assured that they have not changed to the 3rd. Saturday and if not, we would change for a 6 month trial period.
Three of our older and less active past members have had medical problems recently, and could use a visit. Phil Writer, Dave Kenyon and George Oswald have all had medical setbacks recently, so if you can, give them a call and pay them a visit.
Daniel Cathy suggested we call up Charlotte Writer and ask if she would like the club to come over and get Phil’s airplane cleaned up and made presentable for sale. Several people liked the idea, and so a call will be made to Charlotte to see if we can be of help.
Secretary Stout noted that dues are due again. Please see him at the meeting or mail your $25 to EAA Chapter 31, 86277 Panorama Rd., Springfield, OR 97478
A quick auction for 2 nice metal boxes then occurred. The club made $10 and everyone was happy!
The meeting ran a little long, but at the end, it was decided that, for entertainment and education, we would have a different project brought in each month for a hands on demo of some building or repair technique. The schedule is as follows:
* February- Bill Dewey- Carb Overhaul procedures
* March- Rusty Bartel- Plastic panel repair
* April- Bob Severns- Engine overhaul procedures.
George Coulter then volunteered to help get the web site up and running a bit better. Georges email address is (redacted)
There being no other business, the meeting was adjourned at 8:55PM
Respectfully submitted,
Randall Stout
Secretary/ Treasurer
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