Minutes from 6/1/2011 Meeting

Meeting Notes for June 1st, 2011
The meeting started at 6:00 with our normal BBQ hamburgers and hot
dogs, sadly without Melinda’s famous chili! Also salad and chips and
some good cookies. Still the best bargain in the area for $4
Meeting called to order at 7:05 PM by President Bill Dewey with
Sec./Tres. Randy Stout also present. The 15 members and guests in
attendance then introduced themselves and gave a brief “What exciting
thing happened this last month”. We had Brent Hennings as a guest at
the meeting.
Tom Cunningham sent around a picture of a train from Antelope Valley
that makes a complete circle during its run up a hill. He also
reported that the Antelope Valley airshow was a bit of a bust. The
winds never went below 30 and the temperature never went over 50.

Gary Ludeke reported that he is painting the rotating beacon tower at
the Oregon Aviation Historical Society at Cottage Grove. The last time
it was painted, it was lying down. Not so much this time!

The next Chapter 31 breakfast will be held on Saturday, 18th of June.

The Memorial Area plans are still progressing.  President Bill has
given up on working his way through the school of architecture to get
a student to help with the design. He and his lovely wife Dee have
gone to the library and gotten plans that they hope to modify and
submit to get the ball rolling. He will submit the plans to Shelly who
will submit them to the city and get approval from the building dept.
He has budgeted between $2000-4000 for the cost. Secretary Stout
suggested that OAHS Board member Doug Kindred ask them (OAHS) if they
would be interested in participating with us in order to use their 501
C-3 non-profit status to  help with donations. He will report back
next month.

Tim Talen at the Ragwood Refactory is also hoping to restore the 1st
airplane shot by the Japanese in Pearl Harbor, an Interstate Cadet.
The owner is confirming identity at this time.

Rusty Bartel then offered up his list of available tools to loan and
passed it around for further inclusions.

Member John Kuehl has ¼ interest in a 1956 Cessna 172 for sale. It is
a straight tail with an 0-300 engine for $7,200. Contact him at

Walt Weischedel noted that past member Len Tarantola has had a double
by-pass surgery and is recovering well. It was also noted that past
member John Bigelow’s son has passed away.

That concluded the business portion of the meeting.

There being no new business, the meeting was adjourned at 8:18 PM .
Respectfully submitted,
Randall Stout
Secretary/ Treasurer

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