EAA chapter 31 Saturday breakfast
We will be having our Saturday breakfast this week, February 18th at 9:00am at the Creswell airport. Breakfast is at the south end of the field in the EAA chapter 31 clubhouse.
The meal will be bacon, sausage, scrambled eggs, pancakes, coffee and juice. Cost is $8.00 per meal.
Hope to see everyone there.
EAA chapter patches
Preview attachment image0.jpegimage0.jpeg211 KB Randy Stout was checking out the January issue of Sport Aviation and wanted to draw everyone’s attention to page 50. There is a picture of chapter patches in the lower left corner and chapter 31’s patch has a prominent position in the lower portion of the picture. We are kinda sorta not too famous. One attachment • Scanned by Gmail
Meeting Minutes from the 2/1/2023 meeting
Meeting Minutes from the 2/1/2023 meeting.
President Rod Johnson, Secretary/ Treasurer Randy Stout as officers were present (V.P. Eric Farry was in Thailand!) when the Meeting started at 6:56 PM at the clubhouse in Creswell. There were 16 Members and guests in attendance.
Dinner was prepared by Bill Dewey, President Rod Johnson and Past President Pat Dodson helping. It consisted of Lasagna, French bread, salads, Chips, Cookies, and a drink- for $8.00!! Excellent choice again guys!
President Rod Johnson called the meeting to order. He asked for any old business: Gary Ludeke rose to give a progress report on the YE model aircraft that the club has ordered. The kits are both on back order, but the club did receive the edge tape iron. More to come as the kits roll in, hopefully soon.
Secretary Stout noted that dues are due for 2023, and a number of folks came forward with their $25. Thanks! If you can’t make it to a meeting, please send your check to: EAA Chapter 31, 86277 Panorama Rd., Springfield, OR 97478
Remember our monthly breakfast on the 3rd Saturday of the month. We need members to help make the fixings. Walt Weischedel is out of eggs so Bill Dewey will buy these and check on the rest of the supplies. The next breakfast will be on February 18th at the clubhouse starting at 9:00. Eggs, Bacon, Pancakes and Juice or Coffee for $8- a bargain!! See you there!!
The checkbook balance is now $1813.85 with a check to Secretary Stout to be made out for $550 to cover the YE airplane. The club did receive the $320 from EAA National as our YE money.
About this time our wonderful airport manager, Shelly Humble (boy she earned that name this last week!) came into the clubhouse and spoke about her recent encounter with an armed and agitated man who had just fled a traffic accident. Her cool and calm demeanor disarmed (literally) the subject and she waited until the Sheriff arrived to take him into custody. The rest of her talk about CORE grants and final striping of the runway and new beacons on the building was a bit of a letdown.
One thing that Shelly did mention that will affect many of us is the new ruling that you will not be allowed to park your vehicle next to your hangar unless you are loading or unloading. This was due to a complaint about encroaching on the taxi lanes that the FAA decided needed to be rectified. You may still park in your hangar after you take your airplane out.
Another complaint about berm removal on the airport will probably be withdrawn when the facts of the matter are brought out. Anyway, thanks Shelly for everything you do!!
President Rod then introduced our guest speakers for the evening, Kyle Bushman and Jeff Whitley (with the lovely Katie Bushman providing moral support!). They presented a very nice slide show about their history in aviation and Hobby Field. Kyle has been one of the sparkplugs for the new STOL Drag events that are springing up all over the country. It was a great look at a new and exciting event that has breathed life into STOL flying and racing both. Thanks to the two of them for taking the time to show us a new way to aviate.
There being no other business the meeting was adjourned by President Johnson at 8:15PM
Respectfully submitted,
Randall Stout, Secretary/ Treasurer
February chapter 31 meeting
We are having our February meeting this Wednesday the 1st at 7:00pm at the chapter 31 clubhouse at the south end of Creswell airport.
Please come early for dinner as we will be serving Lasagna with fixings at 6:00 with a cost of $8.00.
A reminder that our annual membership fee of $25 is due. See Randy Stout for payment.
For members who intend to fly Young Eagles on the 4th of July, please make sure you are up to date on your background check with the EAA national. We must have at least two members on the ground crew also who have also had the background check.
We will be having a presentation this month put on by Kyle Bushman and Jeff Whiteley that will be on STOL drag racing. This is a relatively new sport that Kyle and Jeff are currently involved in and are helping to develop and promote.
February Meeting, Wednesday 02/01/2023
We will be having our February meeting next Wednesday at 7:00pm at the EAA chapter 31 club house at the south end of Creswell airport.
We will be serving dinner at 6:00pm and the cost will be $8.00. Please come join us for good food and good company.
Our presentation this month will Kyle Bushman and Jeff Whitely about the relatively new STOL drags that is a new sport that Kyle and Jeff have been heavily involved in with participation and development of rules governing the sport.
January 21st Saturday Breakfast
Reminder, we are having our January breakfast this Saturday the 21st at the EAA chapter 31 club house at the south end of the Creswell airport. Price is $8 and includes pancakes, scrambled eggs, sausage, bacon, juice and coffee. Come and enjoy good food and good company.
Saturday Breakfast Reminder
We will be having our monthly Saturday Breakfast, this weekend, January 21 at 9:00am.
We will be serving pancakes, scrambled eggs, bacon, sausage, juice and coffee. All this for $8.
We are meeting at the EAA chapter 31 club house at the south end of the Creswell airport.
Please come early and enjoy good company and good food.
Meeting Minutes from the 1/4/2023 meeting
Meeting Minutes from the 1/4/2023 meeting.
President Rod Johnson, V.P. Eric Farry and Secretary/ Treasurer Randy Stout as officers were present when the Meeting started at 7:02 PM at the clubhouse in Creswell. There were 15 Members in attendance.
Dinner was prepared by President Rod Johnson, Past President, Pat Dodson, and Bill Dewey and consisted of Lasagna, French bread, 2 leaf salads, Chips, Cookies, and a drink- for $8.00!! Next month we may be having another Costco Casserole, so watch your emails for notice.
President Rod Johnson called the meeting to order. He asked for any old business: It as noted that Rod spent a large amount of time taking down the Christmas decorations, and before this meeting, several people helped store them away until next year. Good work to all who helped!!
Secretary Stout noted that the club cleared a profit of $200 for 2022. That was immediately used to purchase the YE RC kit, so no real money gain. He then passed around the reconciled bank statement, Yearly EAA national application and YE report.
Gary Ludeke then rose to talk about the new YE RC model airplane that the club has purchased. It is his hope that we can advertise the project and interest some younger (or older?) folks into joining the group. It is his intention to join the AMA group and fly it when finished from Jasper Ridge or another landing strip nearby.
Remember our monthly breakfast on the 3rd Saturday of the month. We need members to help make the fixings. Walt Weischedel is out of eggs so Bill Dewey will buy these and check on the rest of the supplies. The next breakfast will be on January 21st at the clubhouse starting at 9:00. Eggs, Bacon, Pancakes and Juice or Coffee for $8- a bargain!! See you there!!
The checkbook balance is now $1075.35, and dues are now due for 2023! Please bring them to the breakfast or next meeting ($25) or send them to: EAA Chapter 31, 86277 Panorama Rd., Springfield, OR 97478
President Rod then asked the group for suggestions for the entertainment/instructional guests for the upcoming year. Several suggestions were made. Kyle Bushman, Stu Bar’s PBY, and Dan Greiner were put forward.
There being no other business the meeting was adjourned by President Johnson at 8:02PM
Respectfully submitted,
Randall Stout, Secretary/ Treasurer
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