May 16

Breakfast and Roof Letters

This Saturday May 19th 2018 after breakfast we’re gonna “Paint the Town” (Actually we will lay out and paint “EAA 31″ in 11 foot high letters on the roof of the hangar.) The layout, diagrams, measurements etc are on paper. We just need to do them on the roof. Paint, rollers, etc all purchased. We will snap lines on the top of the 9” spaced ribs. Draw guide lines. Draw the letters and numbers (one at a time). Brush the interior edges, the roll the rest of the letters and numbers. This will be reviewed in detail before we get started.

We will need:
Agile (or at least very careful) bodies, Extension ladders (I will bring one extension and one Little Giant). Non slip footgear (no leather souls). All of this is weather dependent. If the weather is bad or if the roof is even damp, we will delay until another time. SO – after a delectable $8 dollar breakfast, we have work to do to put EAA 31 on the map. Call me if you have any questions or suggestions 541 729 1217. Pres John

Nov 17

EAA31 Breakfast, Work Party and ICE CREAM

Wear your grubbies to the breakfast tomorrow.  Work party participants on the new floor will be treated to ICE CREAM.  See you tomorrow.  9:00 AM Breakfast  Work party to follow.

President John

Nov 15

EAA31 Breakfast and work party

This Saturday Nov 18th after our Monthly breakfast we will begin work on our shiny new floor.  Here’s what we will need to do:

Move EVERYTHING to the back half of the hangar.

Preparation is everything.

Thoroughly clean the floor:  1st vac, then scrub/clean with cleaner, then etch with TSP (TriSodiumPhosphate), then rinse, then patch, where needed, with grout.

We will need to keep the place well heated to get good bonding for the paint, so the mechanical timer switches will need to be temporarily replaced with regular switches.

Then, on Sunday the 19th at 2:30 we can do the fun part.  Actually roll on the paint.

We already have 6 Gallons of BEHR one part epoxy paint (silver gray).  Cleaner, TSP, Mop, bucket, water, Sandpaper, patching grout, Paint roller, Pan, Cutting in brushes, etc.

We can decide on Saturday whether we want to do the 2nd half of the floor on the following weekend (Thanksgiving week end) OR on Dec 2nd (The Joint Christmas Party at John Stahrs date)

See you there.  President John

Mar 16

EAA Saturday Breakfast

 Chapter breakfast is this Saturday, March 18th. Come
out to the clubhouse in the AM and pay $5 for an “all you can eat”
breakfast of eggs, bacon, sausage, pancakes, OJ, coffee and
camaraderie!! Starts at 9:00 and runs to about 10:30 or so. Thanks in
advance for all the guys who show up and cook the meal!
Sign up sheet for EAA Aluminum Overcast B17 at EUG Friday May 5th, 
Saturday May 6th and Sunday May 7th will be available.  This was LOTS
of fun when we participated in 2013 and this time around the profits
will be shared among the 3 chapters (Creswell, Eugene, & Lebanon).
Encourage all to pitch in, have fun and contribute.
John Kuehl EAA31
Feb 14


BREAKFAST: This Saturday the 18th of Feb 2017.  All you can eat Pancakes, Bacon, Sausage, Eggs, Coffee, Milk, OJ, Butter, Syrup all for $5 bucks!

WORK PARTY:  We can get the RV3 project done quicker if we pitch in and HELP after Saturday’s breakfast. Bring your elbow grease.

B 17:  EAA’s “Aluminum Overcast” will be at the EUG airport MAY 5th, 6th, & 7th (Friday, Saturday, & Sunday).  Last time this happened (2013) they did 89 rides, (@ $500) 446 ground tours (@$10) plus $4000 in merchandise sales.  Chapter 1457 netted $3000.  It was a LOT of fun!  The good news is 1457 will be sharing in the net revenue based on percentage of participation for Chapters 31, 1457 and the Lebanon Chapter.   We will need 10 (or more) people for each “shift” and we will have 2 shifts per day (6 shifts total).  Details on “sign up” will follow.

FLYING CLUB:  Some people (myself included) are waiting for the new 3rd class medical rules to go into effect, before jumping on the new flying club bandwagon.

BRING A GUEST.  Let them see how much fun we can have.

John Kuehl EAA 31

Jan 18

Saturday Pancake Breakfast

By Saturday January 21st Obama will be out and Trump will be in.  Fortunately, we get to get together to talk about airplanes and flying, not politics.  Drink coffee, Orange Juice, or Milk.  Eat Pancakes, syrup, butter, sausage, bacon, & eggs.  All for $5 bucks!   Such a deal. Somebody please get me the information on the “Big Bites” vendor so I can contact them re 4th of July Young Eagles.

See you there.

John Kuehl EAA31 president.

Sep 16

Breakfast Reminder

Tomorrow morning 9/17/16  9:00 AM  PANCAKE BREAKFAST

Some of our guys will be at the RENO Air races.  Others involved with other flyin’ stuff.

We’ll need a replacement cook.

Will discuss Cessna 150 Club formation.

See you tomorrow

Pres John


Aug 19

Saturday Breakfast

Chapter 31’rs;

Just because we didn’t have a regular meeting doesn’t mean we’re not going to have our Saturday Breakfast.  That’s tomorrow August 20th 9:00 AM.  OshKosh was Great!  Tomorrow it may be hot. Bring a fan if you can.

John Kuehl Ch31 Pres


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