Chapter 31/1457 Joint Christmas Party

Tonight, December 11th is our joint Chapter 31/1457 Christmas Party at the Chapter 31 club house at the south end of the Creswell airport. Dinner starts at 6:00pm.

Chapter 1457 is providing the main course which will be pulled pork and chicken sliders. Please bring a side dish or dessert.

Chapter 31 has a variety of soda’s and bottled water.

If you would like to participate in a gift exchange, please bring a gift and you will be given a number. John Kuehl will be overseeing the gift exchange and will be drawing numbers for picking a gift (or stealing someone else’s).

It looks like we’ll have a good turnout (aprox. 30) and it should be a lot of fun.

Pat Dodson

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One Response to “Chapter 31/1457 Joint Christmas Party”


  1. Bruce Gustafson Dec 13 2021 / 6am

    Your Christmas function was great. Thanks for sharing it with our Eugene Chapter.
    Your “sharing” is wonderful and I think it helps both chapters.