We will be having our first meeting of 2023 this Wednesday, January 4th at 7:00pm. The meeting is at the EAA chapter 31 clubhouse at the south end of the Creswell airport.
We will be serving dinner at 6:00pm and the cost is $8.00. On the menu is Lasagna, salad, etc.
We also will be needing to tear down the Christmas decorations and can use all the help we can get.
We will be having our first meeting of 2023 next Wednesday, January 4th at 7:00pm. We will also be serving dinner at 6:00pm with a cost of $8.00.
Also on the agenda will be tearing down the Christmas decorations left from the party.
EAA National also asked that we pass on there schedule for the upcoming building seminars that they are putting on foe home builders week.
Homebuilders Week – Online Event Starts January 23 An online opportunity to learn about all aspects of building your own aircraft By Charlie Becker, EAA Homebuilt Community Manager EAA will be hosting our third annual Homebuilders Week online learning event for aircraft builders: (www.EAA.org/HomebuildersWeek). It will be five straight days of educational forums covering a broad spectrum of aircraft building topics. It will start on Monday, January 23, 2023, and run until Friday, January 27, 2023. The live online presentations will be open to everyone interested in building their own aircraft. Sessions will start at 11:30 a.m. CST and run until 8:30 p.m. CST daily. This event is an opportunity for a new person to jump in with both feet and learn a lot about the wonderful world of homebuilding. We will cover areas like getting started successfully and techniques when building with sheet metal, composites, steel, and wood. But it won’t be just for the newbie; we are offering in-depth talks on panel planning, engine selection, FAA certification, flight testing, and selling a homebuilt aircraft. There will be something for every builder, whether you are just starting out, knee deep in a project, or just received your airworthiness certificate — it is going to be a great learning opportunity. EAA is working with industry experts, kit manufacturers, and other subject matter experts to provide top-notch material for builders. The sessions will be live and allow time for attendee questions. Recordings will be archived and available to EAA members for review. EAA Homebuilders Week coincides with the 70th anniversary of the founding of the Experimental Aircraft Association in 1953. Those founding members of EAA lit the fuse on the homebuilt movement that provides affordable access to aircraft ownership and today has spread worldwide. EAA Homebuilders Week is possible through the generous sponsorships of Aircraft Spruce & Specialty Co., Dynon, Scheme Designers, Inc., and Van’s Aircraft, Inc. Visit EAA.org/HomebuildersWeek to review the schedule and sign up for a session.
Homebuilders Week Schedule January 23 – 27, 2023 All Time Central www.EAA.org/HomebuildersWeek
Painting Your Plane: DIY or Use an Expert?-Craig Barnett & Ken Reese
Maintenance Horror Stories – Vic Syracuse
To sign up, visit: www.EAA.org/HomebuildersWeek
12/22/2022 4:40 PM
It would probably be best to check out the EAA National web site to get a better idea of what is going on as their way of showing what is offered is much more clear.
The Saturday breakfast originally scheduled for this Saturday, the 17th is being canceled due to lack of people able to attend for various reasons.
We hope everyone has a safe and happy Christmas and New Year.
Our next scheduled meeting is for January 4th, 2023 at 7:00pm at the EAA chapter 31 club house. We will need to take down our Christmas decorations at that time.
We are scheduled to have our December breakfast this Saturday the 17th. Because of some health issues with some members, we would like to find out how many people are planning to attend. Can members please contact Pat Dodson via email at dodsonp1@gmail.com so we can make a determination as to go forward or cancel the breakfast.
We will be having a clean-up/set-up session on Wednesday morning, December 7th at 9:00am for our evening joint Christmas party with Chapter 1457. We have a tree, lights and various other decorations to set up, along with tables and chairs, etc. Location is the EAA Chapter 31 club house at the south end of the Creswell airport.
We will be meeting this Saturday, November 19th at 9:00am for breakfast at the EAA chapter 31 club house located at the south end of the Creswell airport. Cost is $8.00 per plate and the menu will be bacon, sausage, eggs, pancakes, coffee and juice.
We will also need to have a meeting along with breakfast to make some decisions regarding a Christmas dinner. Chapter 1457 has contacted us to see if we would like to participate in a joint party using our club house as we have done the past several years. They are a really good bunch of guys and it has been a lot of fun in the past.
Here are some pictures from the last EAA meeting, which was highlighted by the bestowing from the FAA to our own Gary Ludeke of the Wright Brothers Master Pilot Award.
The FAA gave Gary a complete copy of his FAA records, a certificate of achievement and a Plaque. Chapter 31 gave Gary a nice glass plaque also commemorating the event. We all had Pizza for dinner (Thanks to the efforts of Sandy Ludeke and Bill and Dee Dewey) and a decorated Cake for dessert. The cake was 2 fold; both a recognition of the event and a birthday cake, as Gary became a flying Octogenarian on the 1st. of November.
The Christmas party was the only business discussed, and it appears that we will host Chapter 1457 at the clubhouse just like last year. They will bring the meat and we will provide the accoutrements. The date will be decided at the Breakfast meeting this Saturday the 19th of November. See you there!!
Part of the crowd of 55 people who attended Gary and the EAA Chapter 31 awardThe FAA giving Gary his plaque
There will be memorial service for former chapter 31 member Rusty Bartel on Saturday, November 12th at the Creswell Presbyterian Church at 75 S. 4th Street at 11:30.