Meeting Minutes from the 6/5/2024 meeting
Meeting Minutes from the 6/5/2024 meeting.
Vice President Gary Ludeke and Secretary/ Treasurer Randy Stout as officers were present when the Meeting started at 7:01 PM at the clubhouse in Creswell. There were 10 Members, and one guest in attendance. Our own airport manager, Shelly Humble, was the guest.
Bill Dewey and Pat Dodson along with several helpers prepared dinner, which consisted of Hot Dogs, Huge Hamburgers, salads, Chips, Cookies, and a drink- for $8.00. I could only eat one hamburger they were so big. And very well cooked! Thanks Guys!
Vice President Gary Ludeke called the meeting to order. He recognized and congratulated Jaken Messer on passing his Private Pilot check ride, and gave him the cut off tail of the shirt he soloed in. He then asked Shelly Humble to give her report on Creswell Airport (which she did after presenting Jaken with a bottle of sparkling cider to celebrate the occasion):
She reported that Fuel is now available again after a brief shortage. She will be buying most of a truck load after the first as the price is expected to drop at that time. She noted that the fiscal YE budget is now done and should pass city council.
She also reported that the FAA have completed their Safety Check (and edge light certification) on the airport after the upgrade work. It was a 3-million-dollar project paid for mostly by the Federal Aviation Administration Grants. She hopes to have a ribbon cutting ceremony (and runway walk) in Mid-June for this and the new wastewater treatment plant.
The (7-9) camera system and Ham base station should be ordered and installed by the end of next month, with Douglas Fast Net and EPUD working to add redundant power and internet service with a new line that will run parallel to the freeway. Thanks Shelly- you are doing an excellent job!
As far as the upcoming YE flights on July 4th, Shelly will be the coordinator, Mae Messer and Sandy Ludeke will be managing the paperwork, and Gary Ludeke will direct flight operations. She will be sending an email to all pilots and ground handlers who can respond if they plan to participate. There will be a Pizza launch party at the clubhouse on July 3rd at 6:00 to get everyone coordinated (which is handy since that is our normal Meeting night-no regular meeting that night). Insurance for the event has been ordered.
Remember our next monthly breakfast will (as always) be on the 3rd Saturday of the month. We need members to help make the fixings. Walt Weischedel is bringing eggs. The next breakfast will be on June 15th, 2024, at the clubhouse starting at 9:00. Eggs, Bacon, Pancakes and Juice or Coffee for $8- a bargain!! See you there!
The checkbook balance at the beginning of the month is $1347.72.
Secretary Stout then noted that Dues are Due from everyone for 2024 ($25). If you are unable to attend a meeting to give him the dues, please mail them to: EAA Chapter 31, 86277 Panorama Rd., Springfield, OR 97478.
Secretary Stout then asked if anyone has any weed killer to shoot around the clubhouse. John Kuehl said he did and will meet with Randy during breakfast to plan the attack.
Vice President Gary Ludeke then asked our newest Private Pilot to show the work he has accomplished on the new EAA Chapter 31 Web site. Although much is left to be done, it was a nice improvement to our 20-year-old web site. I will send him an EAA 31 Logo to add to the site.
Gary then noted that our recent YE Build and Fly model airplane project was finished. The South Lane club now has it and will be showing the High Schoolers who built it how to fly it. Thanks to Gary, Pat Dodson, Rod Johnson, and Dave Cole for all the help they gave these kids in the build process.
Our next project will be the ¾ Super Cub that was donated to the club this last fall. After surveying the project, it was determined that the wings are in good condition, the fuselage in fair condition and that the C-65 should be sold as it would not have the power needed for this airplane. Dave Cole suggests that we cover several of the control surfaces to see if interest develops to tackle the whole project. There is a standing invitation to all interested parties to work on this project every Wednesday at 2:30 at the clubhouse.
The EAA Video magazine was then shown.
There being no other business the meeting was adjourned by VP Ludeke at 8:49PM.
Respectfully submitted,
Randall Stout, Secretary/ Treasurer
Meeting Minutes from the 11-1-2023 meeting
Meeting Minutes from the 11/01/2023 meeting.
President Rod Johnson, VP Eric Farry and Secretary/ Treasurer Randy Stout as officers were present when the Meeting started at 7:10 PM at the clubhouse in Creswell. There were 12 Members, and four guests in attendance. Our guests were Jenny Collins (Principle at Creswell High), Mike Anderson (School Board and Creswell Airport Commission member) Shelly Humble (Creswell Airport Manager) and Tim Herman from South Lane RC Modelers. Welcome to you all!!
President Rod Johnson, Vice President Eric Farry and Bill Dewey (with a nicely healed arm!) prepared dinner, which consisted of Lasagna, French Bread, salads, Chips, Cookies, Pumpkin Pie, and a drink- for $8.00. Thats a bargain!!Thanks guys!
President Rod Johnson called the meeting to order. He asked Shelly Humble to give her report on Creswell Airport.
As I am not good at dictation, here is what I did record of that info packed presentation: She is working to complete 5 CORE grants which include EOC Operations Center, 2 security gates, other gates and runway lights and tree removal on the end of 34. She is also working on an ARPA grant for the new wastewater treatment plant and was hoping to break ground this spring on the new north taxiways. However, she just found out that there needs to be an FAA Approved Site evaluation (environmental study) done on potential Salmon impacts of these taxiways. (I haven’t dodged too many Salmon- ever!) As always, she has been super busy and I am sure that I have missed much of her presentation, but between Ham Radio projects and AIP Match grants and balloon lights, we are excited to see the changes.
She then presented a copy of a handout from the flood workshop she attended with CG pictures of what we could expect from a flood in our area. The important fact was that Creswell Airport will not be underwater and will be a key to recovery in the area.
Remember our next monthly breakfast will be on the 3rd Saturday of the month. We need members to help make the fixings. Walt Weischedel is bringing eggs. The next breakfast will be on November 18th at the clubhouse starting at 9:00. Eggs, Bacon, Pancakes and Juice or Coffee for $8- a bargain!! We will do clubhouse cleaning after breakfast, so leave a little time before your next adventure. See you there!
Christmas Party!! We will be having a clubhouse decorating party on December 2nd in anticipation of our annual Christmas party to be held on our meeting night, Wednesday, December 6th at 6:00. Chapter 1457 from Eugene will be joining us, and it should be a great time for everyone!
The checkbook balance is now $1384.51 (before the deposit from tonight).
Gary Ludeke was then asked to take the floor and discuss the plans for the “Build and Fly” RC model build that the club purchased early in the year. He and Pat Dodson met with the Jenny Collins, Principle at Creswell High and she decided to come to the meeting to check out this group of misfits. They will work with her to ascertain the interest of students for a workshop to build the RC model, with the potential to work on the new 7/8th scale PA-18 we received recently. They have already produced a flyer to have Jennie use to help make them aware of this opportunity. We were told that Josea (?) Wynn (the instructor involved with the aviation program) believed that between 6 and 12 kids signing up would be the sweet spot for this adventure.
Gary will be checking with EAA National about YE insurance for this project, along with YE money the club may have to spend. It was noted that volunteers will need to have background checks (a bit different than the EAA Risk We really appreciate Jennie and Mike being here to get the ball rolling on this YE project!!
Bill Dewey then spoke about getting some gray bricks to replace the bricks that we are moving to the flagpole area. We are still waiting for the replacement bricks to arrive so that he can install them all at one time.
John Kuehl then played the Chapter Video magazine. In it, Tom reminded us that the Ray Scolarships will be awarded soon, and we need to nominate our Young Person who will need one. Jakon Messer was an obvious choice, as he has been taking lessons from Gary Ludeke and is progressing nicely. It was moved, 2nded and pass unanimously that we nominate Jakon for this honor. The application will be filled out and filed right away. Go get them!!
There being no other business the meeting was adjourned by President Johnson at 8:25PM.
Respectfully submitted,
Randall Stout, Secretary/ Treasurer
Meeting Minutes from the 3/2/2022 meeting
Meeting Minutes from the 3/2/2022 meeting.
President Rod Johnson, V.P. Eric Farry and Secretary/ Treasurer Randy Stout as officers were present when the Meeting started at 7:04PM at the clubhouse in Creswell. There were 12 Members and 2 guests in attendance.
Dinner was prepared by Past President Pat Dodson, V.P. Eric Farry and President Rod Johnson, and consisted of Hot Dogs and Hamburgers, salad, Cookies and a drink- for $8.!!
President Rod Johnson called the meeting to order and invited his guest, James Collett and his cousin to give their presentation on their recent acquisition of a KR-2.
James gave a nice talk about how he came about acquiring this KR-2 (something to do with a trade for a pickup!) and his work on it. It was originally built in 2004, and then rebuilt (partially) in 2016. They are chasing some gremlins in the carburetor and a few other things necessary to get it airworthy. He is a low time pilot so was encouraged to get a lot of instruction before hopping into this little hot rod. We were invited and joined him after the meeting to look over his airplane in order to help with ideas and suggestions. Thanks James!
It was decided to start with our monthly breakfast on the 3rd Saturday of the month starting in April. We will need someone to step up to cook and will finalize the staff at the next meeting.
Treasurer Stout noted again that Dues for 2022 are due now, and that many of the folks in attendance have paid them. If you cannot attend the meetings (due to Covid or schedule), it would be much appreciated if you would send a check made out to “EAA Chapter 31” for $25 and send this to:
86277 Panorama Road, Springfield, OR 97478
The checkbook balance is now $1173.67so we could really use the funds for our normal expenses.
Secretary Stout has contacted EAA National about hosting our website and emailing all the pilots in our area when we have an event or meeting. Unfortunately, they do not have a way to email all our members out of the web site, so he will just have to renew the old web site until a better option is found. He would also like to find a “sparkplug” person who is interested in heading the build on a new Carbon Cub that the club can take on as a project. Paul Beuhler has indicated an interest. Know anyone else who wants to help???
Dave Eason then rose and asked the group if they knew of a 20’ trailer available for him to go and get a Sportsman 2+2. If so, give him a call.
There being no other business the meeting was adjourned at 7:35PM and everyone went over to James hanger and took a good look at his KR-2
Respectfully submitted,
Randall Stout, Secretary/ Treasurer
Meeting Minutes from the 1/5/2022 meeting
Meeting Minutes from the 1/5/2022 meeting.
President Pat Dodson, V.P. Rod Johnson and Secretary/ Treasurer Randy Stout as officers were present when the Meeting started at 7:03PM at the clubhouse in Creswell. There were 9 Members and one guest in attendance.
Dinner was prepared by President Pat Dodson and John Kuehl, and consisted of Hot Dogs and Hamburgers, salad, Cookies and a drink- for the still amazing price of $8- a great meal!!
The first order of business was to accept nominations from the floor for Vice President, Secretary and Treasurer for the next 2 years. There being no nominations, the previously nominated members were identified as Eric Farry- Vice President and Randy Stout- Secretary and Treasurer. No objections were noted, and since all nominations were un-opposed, all candidates were elected into their offices to start immediately.
Now Past President Pat Dodson then turned the meeting over to new President Rod Johnson. His first order of business was to ask the Airport Manager for her report.
Shelly then gave her talk about what is happening at the airport:
COAR Grants Updates: Generators have a tentative arrival date of February 2022. Still working on purchasing EOC equipment.
AIP Grants Update: Design is almost complete, project will go out for RFP (request for proposals) in January. The project is estimated to take 45 days – and the tentative runway close time is August 15th – September 28th. Will update more as known. Project breakdown – 4.7 million project, FAA money will pay for all but NAVAIDS ($200,00) that carries a 10% match.
Airport Manager has applied for a COAR grant for the match, if awarded, Airport would be responsible for 1% of match or $20,000. Airport Manager also applied for a Connect Oregon grant for the match, if received, no funds will be required of the airport fund.
Pat Dodson is now on the Airport Commission. Airport Commission work session was held on November 17th to review the current Rules and Regulations. Next Airport Commission meeting is January 19th at 5:30 p.m. at City Hall.
Display case has been updated, come check it out. There are now shelves that have aviation history.
Thanks as always Shelly!!
It was decided to start with our monthly breakfast on the 3rd Saturday of the month starting in April. We will need someone to step up for the meal in February (assuming that Covid does not shut us down for dinner or breakfast).
With sadness the passing of Wilbur Heath was noted and a memorial service is planned for him on 1/23/2022 at the Oregon Aviation Historical Museum in Cottage Grove.
Treasurer Stout noted that Dues for 2022 are due now, and that many of the folks in attendance have paid them. If you cannot attend the meetings (due to Covid or schedule), it would be much appreciated if you would send a check made out to “EAA Chapter 31” for $25 and send this to:
86277 Panorama Road, Springfield, OR 97478
The checkbook balance is now $1480.47, but a payment for our yearly EAA national dues and insurance of $595 will have to be made soon. We delayed this payment until after elections in order to make an accurate report.
Secretary Stout will contact EAA National about hosting our website and emailing all the pilots in our area when we have an event or meeting. He would like to find a “sparkplug” person who is interested in heading the build on a new Carbon Cub that the club can take on as a project. Know anyone???
There being no other business the meeting was adjourned at 8:10PM
Respectfully submitted,
Randall Stout, Secretary/ Treasurer
Meeting Minutes from the 11/3/2021 meeting
Meeting Minutes from the 11/3/2021 meeting.
President Pat Dodson, V.P. Rod Johnson and Secretary/ Treasurer Randy Stout as officers were present when the Meeting started at 7:02PM at the clubhouse in Creswell. There were 8 Members in attendance.
Dinner was brought in by President Pat Dodson, and consisted of Chicken Cordon Bleu, Beans, Salad, Cookies- a great meal!!
Shelly then gave her talk about what is happening at the airport.
- Tuesday, 11/9 from 8:00 a.m. local to 5:00 p.m. local– No fuel available, no AWOS, or airfield lighting due to electrical upgrades
- Thursday, 11/11 from 8:00 a.m. local to 5:00 p.m. local – no AWOS or airfield lighting due to electrical upgrades
- Current Projects:
- COAR – Emergency Generators, transfer switches are being installed next Tuesday and Thursday. Generators ETA is middle of December
- COAR – Emergency Operations Equipment – still in progress
- Runway Design, progressing and working on funding for Runway Construction which is slated for the summer of 2022
- Project estimated total 4.7 million
- City has received 2021 FAA Supplemental Discretionary funding for Runway Construction in the amount of 3.3 million ($2,964,900 FAA Discretionary and $$379,442.00 ARPA Funds)
- Remaining funding to come from 2022 FAA Discretionary (appr. $585,000) and 2022 Non-primary Entitlement ($150,000). Both require a 10% match.
- 2022 COAR grant applied for to cover the FAA required match ($81,666.00) – City is responsible for 10% of COAR grant or $8,1667.00
2022 Connect Oregon grant applied for to cover the 10% match – 30% match required however able to utilize the cost of design to offset the match – City responsible for $0.00
- City is continuing to design a wastewater system for the airport.
- An Airport Commission work session will be held on Wednesday, November 17th, to review the current rules and regulations.
Thanks as always!!
John Kuehl has organized the Christmas party this year. We will be meeting at the Clubhouse in Creswell at 6:00 PM on 12/11.There will not be a regular chapter meeting in December. Chapter 1457 in Eugene will be joining us and bringing in Hole in the Wall BBQ and our chapter will provide Drinks, plates (which may not be needed). Deserts will have to be decided in the next few weeks, but I assume that Pot-Luck desserts would be the best option. Please RSVP to John Kuehl at john.kuehl@comcast.net. Costs will be whatever Hole in the Wall charges. See you there!!
It was decided to start with our monthly breakfast on the 3rd Saturday of the month starting in April. We will be doing Hot Dogs and Hamburgers at the regular meeting in January.
There being no other business, we started the entertainment portion of the program with the Chapter Video Magazine, which discussed chapter renewals and the 30th anniversary of the YE program which will be celebrated at OSH 2022.
We then began a Show and Tell presentation by President Pat, who then showed us his Hummel Bird tank that Tony at Specialty Aero welded up, along with some wing root fairings that he hammered out. Good job Pat!
Next up was Dave Eason who made a quick presentation on how to handle a file with notches.
Lastly, John Kuehl brought in several tools and Jigs that he has used to form ribs with a dead blow hammer and rounded off screwdriver. Thanks to everyone!!
* Checkbook balance was $1561.72 as of the date of the meeting.
If you haven’t paid dues yet, its not too late!
Please mail the $25 check to: EAA Chapter31,
86277 Panorama Rd., Springfield, OR 97478 Thanks!!
There being no other business or entertainment the meeting was adjourned at 8:30PM
Respectfully submitted,
Randall Stout, Secretary/ Treasurer
Meeting Minutes from the 10/6/2021 meeting
Meeting Minutes from the 10/6/2021 meeting.
President Pat Dodson, V.P. Rod Johnson and Secretary/ Treasurer Randy Stout as officers were present when the Meeting started at 6:55 at the clubhouse in Creswell. There were 7 Members in attendance.
Dinner was brought in by V.P. Rod Johnson and consisted of Lasagnia, Salad, French bread and cookies and cupcakes for dessert. Thanks Rod- a great meal!!
Shelly was not here to give her usual informative talk about goings on at the airport.
It was noted that the sign at the gate still needs attention, but since our sign guru (Gary Ludeke) was not here, we postponed any discussion until later.
President Pat then showed us his Hummel Bird tank that he is working on. Tony at Specialty Aero will be welding it soon. Good job Pat!
V.P. Rod Johnson brought in his AirWalk fold up bike for us to look over.
The business portion of the meeting was then called to order.
* Checkbook balance was $1661.72 as of the date of the meeting.
If you haven’t paid dues yet, its not too late!
Please mail the $25 check to: EAA Chapter31,
86277 Panorama Rd., Springfield, OR 97478 Thanks!!
There being no other business, Past President John Kuehl brought in his computer and played the last 2 EAA national Chapter Video Magazines. I had to leave after they played, but I believe he also played a How-To video on TIG (or was it MIG) welding. Thanks John
There being no other business the meeting was adjourned at 7:45PM (I assume)
Respectfully submitted,
Randall Stout, Secretary/ Treasurer
Meeting Minutes from the 1/8/2020 meeting
EAA Chapter 31 Meeting, January 8th, 2020
The dinner portion of the meeting started at 6:00 PM hosted by Bill Dewey and John Kuehl with Pat Dodson and Rod Johnson helping. There were Hamburgers, Hot Dogs, salad, chips, cookies for desert and a drink for only $8. Don’t miss their next great meal!! Thanks Bill and John for the great help and Rod and Pat for cooking!
The meeting started with the pledge of allegiance at 7:00 PM by Past President John Kuehl (who then handed the gavel off to) President Pat Dodson with V.P. Rod Johnson and Secretary/ Treasurer Randy Stout also present. The business and entertainment portion of the meeting was called then to order. There were 12 members and guests in attendance. The guests included Darrel Farry and son Darrel Jr., who is getting his ratings in order to become a professional pilot. Welcome guys!!
Checkbook balance was $3880.73 as of the date of the meeting. (National Dues and insurance not deducted, which is $608). He noted that dues are now due from all members- Send $25 directly to EAA Chapter 31- 86277 Panorama Rd. Springfield, OR 97478 if you can’t make the next meeting.
Next Chapter breakfast is Saturday, January 18th. Come out to the clubhouse in the AM and pay $8 for an “all you can eat” breakfast of eggs, bacon, sausage, pancakes, OJ, coffee and camaraderie!! Starts at 9:00 and runs to about 10:30 or so. Our volunteers for this breakfast are (hopefully) the same group as last time Tom, Bill, Rod, Pat and John, who will coordinate getting the breakfast ready to serve. Thanks in advance guys!
Past President John then handed out chapter service awards for last year. Congratulations to all recipients of the awards!! We appreciate everyone efforts. He then proceeded to list all the events that we held last year, and the list was long!! Thank you again John for your last 4 years of service! It was much appreciated! He also mentioned that EAA National has a Webinar on 1/14 that will go into depth about the new web site offering that gives clubs a web presence. We may want to change our web site hosting to this- he will check it out.
A Report on the Christmas party was the next topic. There was no December meeting except the party, which was very well attended by chapter 1457 and 31, with approximately 45 guests. A rousing game of gift swap by way of poem hand-offs was a blast. Make sure you make the next party, as the food (catered by Hole in the Wall BBQ) and added to by a huge number of potluck dishes and desserts was heavenly. And it was no charge to those who brought a side dish!!
President Pat then asked for volunteers to help with food next month. VP Rod Johnson volunteered to do this duty He also asked for Ideas for programs for the upcoming year. As no one jumped up to offer an idea, the Secretary suggested that he get a copy of General Aviation News and also get the latest web site info from the other local EAA chapters and comb each for good ideas. When found, he could tap a member of the group to check out the idea and report back. This should not preclude anyone from coming up with their own ideas, but it might be helpful for those of us with mental blocks on a great upcoming program.
Past President John suggested that the club pay the new Presidents way to Oshkosh for their Chapter Leadership Training seminar. The Treasurer, not being sure that the club could afford such an expense, suggested that we note this in the minutes and have a further discussion next month at the meeting.
President Pat then asked everyone in attendance to stand up and give a brief overview of their project or their airplanes. Always interesting to see what everyone is up to. He also asked the secretary to send him the list of members via email on an excel file.
There being no other new or old business, Past President John then showed the Monthly Chapter Video.
After the Video the meeting was adjourned at 8:00PM
Respectfully submitted,
Randall Stout, Secretary/ Treasurer
Meeting Minutes from the 11/6/2019 meeting
EAA Chapter 31 Meeting, November 6th , 2019
The dinner portion of the meeting started at 6:00 PM hosted by Bill Dewey. There were HUGE Hamburgers, Hot Dogs (big and small), salad, chips, cookies for desert and a drink for only $8. Don’t miss their next great meal!! Thanks Bill for the great help and Rod and Paul for cooking!
The meeting started with the pledge of allegiance at 6:45 PM by President John Kuehl with V.P. Gary Ludeke and Secretary/ Treasurer Randy Stout also present. The business and entertainment portion of the meeting was called then to order. There were 12 members and guests in attendance. Checkbook balance was $4000.17 as of the date of the meeting.
Next Chapter breakfast is Saturday, November 16th. Come out to the clubhouse in the AM and pay $8 for an “all you can eat” breakfast of eggs, bacon, sausage, pancakes, OJ, coffee and camaraderie!! Starts at 9:00 and runs to about 10:30 or so. Our volunteers for this breakfast are (hopefully) the same group as last time Tom, Bill, Rod and John, who will coordinate getting the breakfast ready to serve. Thanks in advance guys!
Elections were then held for chapter officers for the next 2 years. Voted in as President was Pat Dodson, VP was Rod Johnson and Secretary/Treasurer was Randy Stout. President John Kuehl will become our Young Eagle chairman.
The Christmas party was the next topic. A cleaning party will happen at the clubhouse on 12/11 at 6:00. The party (which will also include chapter 1457 members) will be at the clubhouse on 12/14 and be catered by Hole in the Wall Bar-B-Que. It will be a potluck for deserts and side dishes, so be sure to bring something with you (if you can- just come if you can’t!!). There will not be a December meeting other than the Christmas party.
The clubhouse was used for a neighborhood gathering last month when rain forced them indoors, and cleaned nicely by Gary Ludeke.
There being no other business, President John introduced Neal Lange from the Oregon Department of Forestry- Aviation Division. Neal then presented a nice slide show of the history of aviation with the department from Jenny’s to Jets.
It was 1955 that they first used retardant to fight fires, as previously they had only used airplanes as spotters. A surplus B-29 was the first “bomber” they used for this purpose. They dropped boxes of retardant with proximity fuses that blew up close to the ground with around 11,000 gallons of water in them.
Next came PBY’s then CL-250’s. The early retardents’ were very slippery and created their own set of problems.
The ODF got out of owning any airplanes in 1965. They contract now for a DC-7 and AT802 and will be contracting for a DC-10, RJ-85, MD-87, C-130 and BAE-146 along with helicopters (UH-1H, A-Star B3, MD-902 explorer, B-206 Jet ranger).
In 1973 they began using infrared detection with a Mohawk and 1991 they began rappelling down to fires. They fly on average 900 hours of forest fire protection each year, although last year they flew 2000 in 90 days. They have a master agreement with the US Forest Service in order to coordinate their activities. He also presented several videos’ of air drops of retardant as they practiced last year before the season began.
Thanks Neal!! Very nice presentation!
President John suggested that the newest Chapter Video this month would be a bit of a letdown after such a nice presentation, so we passed on it.
There being no other business, the meeting was then adjourned at 8:20PM
Respectfully submitted,
Randall Stout, Secretary/ Treasurer
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